chapter 93-Movie Time

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Hey guys, Sorry 4 not updating over a week. The 2nd of june was my birthday and things got out of control a little :) First, celebrated with students, then with colleagues [yeah I'm older than most of u, surprise:D], then with some friends, then with my family and at last with my best friends. Everyday some other thing came up, so I couldn't write. But I'm gonna try to write chapters in a row these days in all of my ongoing stories. So enjoy xx

Harry's POV

When I first learned that we were going to a holiday somewhere, I was so surprised because Niall wasn't a type who went holidays and left his mob alone. I never heard anything like that before. Even if he went somewhere, it was always mob-related things and took a day or two, not 3 or 4..

He was doing this all.. for me.. I cried like a lot a day before, because of that f.cking Flores Jr. guy..he kept coming to my mind.. UGHH!

I wanted to forget him and be with Niall like all the time.. But in normal circumstances, I knew that he would go to work and gonna leave me at the mansion all alone like a prisoner again.. And that would make me secure but more depressed.. So this holiday thing was really reallyyyy perfect for me..

When we came to airport, I was more shocked then ever, I thought we would go to another city, not another country..

Then I realised that we were gonna be in Paris. I remembered that we talked about the countries in one of our meetings when I came to Shamrock Pub to give my payment, at that time I wasn't even working for Niall..

I told Niall that to see the famous Eiffel Tower would be nice, and Disneyland would be the bonus.. I couldn't believe that he remembered the thing I said to him ages ago.. That was so nice of him..

I should admit that I was impressed.. Niall always find a way to make me surprised and happy. God, I lovee him.. I hope that we have so much fun and many good memories..


First day, we saw lots of places, and Eiffel Tower was in it. But we didn't stay long. Because the 2nd day was full of Eiffel as well. When we got into our hotel, we were so tired. We rest a little and then we joined to a boat tour of Seine River.

Niall was like a child, he kept smiling and laughing all the time.. I was so used to see him serious all the time outside of the mansion.. He tried to seem tough for his business, for his mob..

I felt like I was a teenager in 3rd class of his university, attended to a school-trip kinda thing with my boyfriend. We were that free, that happy and carefree..

We weren't thinking about any other thing..

Niall got a message from Josh, letting him know that everything was fine. I learned that Niall wanted Josh to write him a text every morning and evening about if everything was ok or not.

After exploring the Eiffel Tower, we went to our hotel, unpacked our suitcases, gave a little break, then we joined to the group who were attending to the boat tour of Seine River. It was such a good day, we both enjoyed it a lot..

But.. we kinda got sooooo tired.. Almost all of the people in this tour had the same logic which was "we won't come here probably again, so we should use the last drop of our energy to explore, explore and explore.."

They made the tour guide to show everywhere to us, even some places that weren't even on the tour list. We walked so long.. to so many places.. So.. When I said that we got exhausted, you could guess what I mean..

At the end of the boat tour, our tour guide said that we went too many places for a day and we travelled by plane etc., it was tiring and it was time for rest. There wasn't anything in the plan. We were supposed to eat our dinner in our hotel and that was it.. We had some private time, we could go out and explore if we want, and if we had energy left..

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now