chapter 98- Who is this Rick?!!

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Rick's POV

It was an ordinary day. Since that Flores Jr. thing, Zayn Malik trusted me more and he paired me either Calum, Luke or Tom. It changed according to the circumstances that we were in. If we need to push the person to his limits, if a lot power-needed, then he chose me and Tom Riddle. Tom was a little aggresive guy..with a bad-temper.. He even scared me sometimes..

But generally, he paired me with Calum, and Tom with Luke. Calum and Luke were more calmer than us, so he probably thought that one calm-one angry guy's being together was a good pair. If angry one got out of control, calmer one could kept the other one in line by this way. 

Or he simply thought that he shouldn't put lovers as a pair, because they couldn't focus on the job. Calumsaid that he and Luke were together since a week before Christmas. They became all lovey-dovey when they were side by side. 

Anyway, Zayn wanted us to check 57th Street, generally Calum was the first one to talk, if he couldn't convince by talking politely, I'd be the one who would make the talk next, and not just with my mouth, but with my fist as well.. 

So I started to wait outside, Calum got in, he talked and I didn't even have to get in. We just went to the next shop. I was waiting outside again, Calum was talking inside with the guy, and my phone buzzed in my pocket. Shitt.. It was Brad.. and he was calling me from my 2nd phone, which I only used to talk with him, Simon or Chris.. Generally with Brad though.. 

Calum just got in, so I thought I was ok. So I was talking in a relax mood.. Then Calum showed up behind my back all of a sudden. I didn't know if he heard my talk with Brad or how much of it he heard.. 

I tried to act normal.. But he started to check my phone, probably noticed that it wasn't the same phone we all used for the mob. But I couldn't be sure.. until I heard "Who you were speaking with?", he was eyeing me.. I panicked and said "Tom", and he raised his eye brow.. 

Shittt.. He didn't believe me.. Shittt.. Shiitttttt.. 

What I am gonna do now? What I am gonna do???????

While I was thinking this, we came to the other shop, we went inside together this time. But my phone buzzed and I left the shop, started to wait outside, got into the alley next to the shop. Not wanna seen talking by Calum again..

The last time when he came to my side, I hang up the phone, so Brad wondered what was going on probably. I just called him back, and told him that Calum probably noticed me talking to him- with a cop. 

"You can't risk the mission. You have to get in that damn mansion and get the evidence Bobby Horan had about us, or we would all get screwed!! and if that happens, I'd kill U first Rick, did u hear me?!!! So be sure he didn't hear anything!" Brad said. "What if he heard?"I said, "Kill him!! Say mexicans did it or something. You can find something!!" he yelled..

When I turned my back, Calum was out of the shop again, and he was holding a gun towards me. "Who were u talking with Rick? Don't say Tom, because Luke just called me, and you didn't call them, and you were talking about our boss and Harry, and the mansion.What-" he was saying, and I just shot him.. 

He was so distracted to talk and make everything reasonable, and I hadn't got so much time to overthink about it.. He heard everything.. He could blow my cover, and I could be a dead man.. Even if they wouldn't kill me, I was so sure Brad would do that.. 

I didn't want to kill this poor guy, but he was also pushing my limits. He didn't give up, and tried to make a shot to me, so I just shot him again and again.. After the third shot, he just laid there like he was dead.. 

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now