chapter 79- Ziall - Ziam

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Zayn's POV

When I learned that Niall was attacked, the anger boiled inside me. I rushed to that place, Niall already handled the situation when I arrived and I relieved to see that he was ok.. Whenever something related to Niall happened, I felt so.. how could I put it right.. I didn't know.. I felt.. so worried, so nervous, so vunerable.. Niall was the most important people in my life.. 

I had this loyal feeling towards him.. and that protective mood.. I couldn't help it.. It never went away.. Even if we reached to our 60s, those feelings would stay that way I was so sure of that.. 

And if someday .. Niall died, then I really didn't see a point to live.. He became the center of my life.. He became the purpose for me to live.. And if I wasn't gonna to protect him, be there for him, then what was the point to live?

Don't get me wrong. I was not still in love in Niall.. I thought that I was in love. Maybe I was.. But what I felt wasn't that kind of love I guess.. Because I wasn't jealous of Harry in that way. Not even once.. And I was definetely happy for both of them, of course especially for my Niall..

I just had an obsession to Niall. Yeah I admit it.. I had to see him, even once a day. And I need to check that if he was ok or not..,if he was happy or sad, etc.. and I need to see his smile. If he was sad, I need to let him now that there was a shoulder for him to cry on anytime he need..

When someone asked you if your day was good or not? You answered it according to your school grade, or according to your boyfriends or girlfriends attitude towards you, or how the work went.. According to me, it was all related to Niall.. If I saw Niall a lot that day, and if he smiled a lot then that day went perfect for me..

Sometimes Niall hugged me, ruffled my hair to tease me bcoz he knew that I hate when people mess my hair, he brought me Nandos. He sometimes even said "Well done", "Nice job Zayn", "Hey Zaynie" , "Miss u man" , "Love u man", those days were just awwwwwssssooomee for me.. I couldn't think a day without seeing Niall.. NO WAY!.. 

I thought these feelings would decrease when I found a boyfriend/girlfriend to myself and I found a gorgeus one; Liam.. Actually he found me.. But you got what I mean.. But.. nothing changed.. Now.. I felt I had to protect Liam as well.. One more person to protect but it wasn't like the feeling I felt towards Niall.. With Liam, it was like my duty to protect him. With Niall, I wanna do it with enthusiasm.

And now in this situation, about Mr. flores thing.. I was worried about Niall more.. not about Liam.. If anything happened to Niall.. I didn't even wanna think about it..  I could try to kill as many as men I could, and die in the process.. I guess.. Take my revenge and die..

It was hard me to admit it.. But.. Niall was still my priority.. and the worse part was that Liam knew it and accepted that fact.. Yeahh I knew it was shocking, right? I didn't know how to feel about it... 


After Harry moved to the mansion, I had no valuable info about who was he? And I felt uneasy.. I was so angry to myself because I couldn't find a thing and he was already in Niall's room. What if he was a member of another mob and slaughter Niall in his sleep, cut his throat..

For days, I kept thinking those, I went to Shamrock Pub more and drank more. I was sad, thoughtful.. all the time.. I noticed that Liam liked me a long time ago.. But I kept ignoring him till that one night.. I thought.. I would protect Niall and he came first.. Always.. I shouldn't do that to Liam, played with his feelings and stayed away from him..

I should stayed single.. Like an alone wolf.. without pack.. but with a pack.. Aww I started to make word-games, it would never end in a good way lol

While I was drinking and thinking like that, Liam kept talking with me, being cute, smiling to me and staring at me all the time with his brown puppy eyes. Then he gave me beer after beer, he kept touching my hand purposely, being flirty, normally I would just left the pub. But that night, I didn't have any energy to fight with my emotions. I liked his this flirty mood.. But then he leaned in. Opps! 

But he kept looking at me to understand if I was gonna pull myself back or not, I knew that it was hard for him to make a move, he was holding himself for too long. And that night was the night, he got all his courage to act, if I declined him, he wouldn't even look at my face ever again.. It was like a Now or Never moment..

So.. I didn't pull myself back, we stared at each other for a while and he continued leaning in and we ended up kissing each other. I took the control quickly. I wanted an access to explore his mouth. If we were kissing,I gotta do that right, right? He gave me the access and I slided my tongue in his mouth. I was pulling his head towards myself.. There was that long bartender table between us, we were both literally climbing on it while kissing.. Then Liam chuckled a little to our position.. 

"Liam.. I.." I was saying, "Zayn, I like you. I like you a lot. For a long time. I couldn't stop myself anymore. I just wanna be with you. I know you think that your life is dangerous and you don't wanna drag me in, but I am already in it. And about Niall.. I understand it..He will be always your 1st in ur mind, but I am ok to be your 2nd..instead of being your nothing.." Liam said. 

My saying "I was shocked" would be an understatement. My eyes went wide, my mouth dropped open.. Whhhaaaatttttttttttttt????

Then Liam told me that he watched me all the time, so he noticed every little detail about me and those details made him more fall in love with me. 

"So are you gonna give me a chance? Just one chance Zayn.. Ple-" he was saying and I kissed him once more. At the end of the kiss, "Was this a 'Yes'?" Liam said a little shyly but he had a smirk on his face. "Yes" I said and chuckled to him.

Then "Are u sure?" I asked this time, and Liam acted like 'Are u dumb?', 'Are you really asking this question to me?' or 'Of course I am sure u idiotttt', he kissed me and "Yeah, I wasn't sure of any other thing in my entire life Zayn" he said.

We kissed again and there were just two drunk sleeping figure in the pub, so "Be ready to go! We are closing the pub" I said to Liam and threw the drunk ones to the outside..

Liam went to the kinda secret storeroom type of place where he kept all the guns and other mob related things, also the drinks, it was at backside of the bar. He also kept his casual clothes there and got changed before closing the pub.

So I waited him to get changed. But he kept me waiting for so long, so I started to walk towards that storeroom and shout "Liamm? Liaaammm? Come on.. What u still doing there? Liaaa-" I was saying when I got in.. 

Then I saw Liam just waiting there half naked, sitting on a table patiently for me to show up.. and when he saw me, he started to pull down his pants as well, he was like.. trying to seduce me.. GODD!!! And yeah.. it worked.. He was in a mood like.. he wanna do it before I changed my mind.. Right there and then..

"Liam, what u doi-"I was saying, while he was throwing his pants away, and he walked towards me fast and smashed his lips to mine. We kissed a little. I wasn't sure if I should be with him or not. But he was so hot and I wanted him, and he wanted me so I just shrugged it.. I asked him if he was sure, what could I do other than that, right?

Liam noticed that I was thinking something, he started to act like I was gonna escape and he didn't want that to happen, he panicked. He started to kiss me not sweetly but harshly, tried to push me towards the wall and take off my suit jacket so quickly...

He was going right into business.. Not going on a date or snugging etc. I was thinking that I should take him to a date first, if I was gonna be his bf.. But as I said before, he was like a mad man, wanna be mine as soon as possible.. like his life was depending on it.. and it kinda a turn on to me..

I didn't have a clue that he wanted me that much.. He kept panting and moaning.. "I wanna be yours, even if it is gonna be one time thing Zayn.. Please" Liam whispered to my ear and then sucked it..

*The next chapter will be a Ziam smut and what did Zayn do with that José thing..


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