chapter 81- Explosion?!

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I am really sad about Zayn situation.. I wanna update before but I couldn't write a thing.. I am in accepting stage now. If he is happy then I am happy..

I was thinking to hurt Zayn in this chapter but I can't do that now.. so changed a little bit.. Enjoy xx

Luke's POV

Niall trusted Calum and me and he sent us with 'The Flores Jr.' to a van, he wanted us to wait with him, when the time was right, both Calum and I knew that he would want us to take him to a place not far away or to a place far away. That was the only question that waited to be answered..

Then Niall sent Rick to give us a message and also he wanted him to help us. The message was that he wanted us to take Flores Jr. to the street that was two street behind, I drove that way immediately. Because Calum and Rick was so angry to that José guy.

The 4 mob member who were killed, were their friends.. I was pissed too, but didn't know them as much as they did.. so they kinda asked me to drove. When we arrived to the street where we were supposed to wait, José guy fainted because of all those beating.. I kinda felt sorry for the guy just for a second, then I remembered what he caused and what he would cause and yeah.. he deserved all of it..

After waiting for half an hour or more, a van started to drive towards us from the opposite direction. o_O That couldn't be good! Sh.t!

"Calum! Rick!" I said but they didn't care. "Caluuuum!!!! Riiiiccckkkk!" I yelled this time, again they didn't respond. José guy was pushing their nerves and they were both yelling to that piece of shit at that moment. I couldn't believe that I pitied that a.sshole even just a second..

"HEYYY HEYYYYYYYY!!!! GET UR GUNS!!! MEXICANS COMING!!!!" I said with panick. What if they came with so many people and we failed.. What if they got Flores Jr. and we let Niall down.. NOO.. We had to hide him until Niall call us and wanted us to bring him back..

The mexican got out of their vans immediately and started shooting randomly towards our van.. Then, they aimed the driver seat part mostly to prevent us leaving.. So I couldn't turn back and drove away even if I wanted..

Calum and Rick took their guns out, checked their bullets. They wanted me to stay in, or help them but with one condition, they both wanted me to leave them there if necessary but take José guy and leave. That was too much.. S.HITTTTTTTTT!!!

We were so loyal to Zayn and our boss, Niall Horan. They saved them and me.. We all owed them.. so much..

We were close to Zayn more. Because we talked and see him more.. We cared about him a lot.. We all didn't wanna dissappoint him. That happened before, couldn't happen again..

Niall Horan was like a mysterious super hero for all of us.. He made good things for us that we didn't even imagine.. but he stayed in the shadow.. not talked about it, not even once.. We didn't see him much..

He kept his distance before. We didn't even talked with him before Harry joined our work-group.. If you don't count our saying 'Thanks' to him and his responding 'not mention it again. u all are my responsibility.. come to me or zayn directly next time!!!'..

But nowadays we were close to Niall.. like a lot.. and we wanna kept it that way.. We also knew if we let something happen to Niall, Zayn would gonna kill us anyway, so we were kinda dead both ways.. If we wouldn't do something!!!

I opened the door to Rick and Calum, "When you get a chance, just drive and leave us here, if the situation goes bad, ok?" Calum said before getting off the van, "How can I leave you here Cal? I don't wanna do it! Rick can drive. I wanna come with you. We can fight and die together if it come to that point" I said. "NOO!!!" Calum said to me and turned to Rick and pulled him, "Let's go!"he said and they vanished in 2 seconds..

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