chapter 75- Did José Die?

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Harry's POV

When I saw that mexican guy reached his gun and pointed it to my Niall, I panicked because I remembered that I left my gun next to Doniya on the bed and I couldn't shot as.shole.. So I just changed our places with Niall.. I didn't want Niall to be shot.

They were all here because of me anyway.. because I snitched Mexicans.. I should be the one that was shot or die.. So when I turned my back to mexican guy, I literally waited to be shot in seconds.. But then I noticed Josh's scream. He just pulled both me and Niall with himself to the ground.. He was in front of me, being a sheild for me, and his arms were dragging me with himself to the ground..

In a second, we landed on each other.. There were lots of blood everywhere. I checked myself even if I knew that if I got shot, I would have noticed that.. But it had to be my blood!!! Noone else's!!.. But..It was Josh's blood!!.. JOSHHH?? I wanted to say "Are u ok Josh?" but couldn't say a thing, just froze for a minute..

Then I heard Niall yelling our names frantically, "HARRYY??? JOSHHH?? HARRYY?? JOSSSHHHHH?? SAY SOMETHING DAMMIITTT!!?".. He was worried, probably it was because none of us was talking.. Shiiiiittttt!! Why wasn't Josh talking?? Was he froze like me as well or... or.. something happened to him? WAS HE DEAD??? I panicked..

"NOOOOO!!! Joshhh? Are you ok? Why did you do it?? WHY??!!" I said, This was so sad, seeing him in all these blood.. I felt myself responsible.. and started to cry.. Even if I wasn't a snitch, José or the mexican mafia itself gonna do an attack to the irish mob one way or another.. but..still.. I kinda feel guilty anyway..

I was trying to hold Josh's body, trying to turn him around. But my legs were under Josh's body, his upper side was on my upper side, he was heavier than I thought.. I just couldn't turn him around..

Then Niall ran towards and helped me to turned Josh over, Josh hissed at pain.. Niall and I both relieved to see that.. I thought he was dead because of me.. Niall started to talk to Josh and asked questions like why did he do that and such.. Then Josh showed me, they shared looks, and Niall stopped talking and just thanked him.

Then Niall called Daryl, learned that he was outside. He gave me a gun and wanted me to look over Josh, he said that he would send men here to take Josh to the van, to the Daryl.

After that, Niall left the room, he was so pissed off.. I searched the room to find a cloth or something, then I found a shirt, probably it belonged to Doniya, I put it onto Josh's wound and started to press a little. He was losing a lot of blood, we should just stop bleeding.. until he could get a proper medical help.. Josh was groaning and I was crying through the process..

"I'm so sorry Josh, so sorry.."I said. " it..It was..n't yo..ur fa..ult" Josh said and tried to give me a smile.. Even in this condition, he thought about others, he was such a nice lad..

Then, we heard lots of gun shooting from downstairs. I worried about Niall, he went downstairs as well.. Was he ok? 

In a sec., some of our men came and took Josh and left the room in a hurry.. I just sat there with a bloody cloth on my hands.. What should I do now? My mind was blank.. Then I decided to take my gun and went downstairs and helped Niall..

When I got up from the place I was sitting, I heard Niall's growl to Zayn, he wanted Zayn to go upstairs and checked his sisters. A min. later, Zayn came into the room and just ran to the Doniya, they hugged, he was so concerned..Doniya kept crying and clinging on Zayn...

Then Doniya said that she was ok thanks to me, when Zayn heard that, he thanked me.. They continued hugging a little more. I was about to leave the room, then I heard Zayn.. "Where do you think you are going Harry?", I turned to him, I was surprised "To downstairs, to help Niall" I said..

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now