chapter 49-Niall wants Harry back!

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Niall's POV

Harry left the mansion.. Harry..left..the..mansion.. I was so sad.. so devastated.. I loved him so much.. and I was sure that he loved me as well.. and I knew that.. I wouldn't leave him.. and get him back.. eventually.. HE WILL BE BACK!..

After I checked "the damn cupboard", and be sure that my Harry went away, left me.. I didn't wanna do a thing.. I just wanna scream and scream..break things.. and cry.. Nothing more.. But I should be the Leader.. So I called Zayn and wanted him to pull our men back.. They should be safe..

Then I had nothing to do.. except worrying about my men.. and my Harry.. I knew Zayn could call me if there was a problem.. Probably nothing gonna happen to our men.. Because I noticed so early.. Mexicans and the police probably not even there yet..

So I went upstairs to 'our' room and started to pace back and forth.. I wonder.. Where was Harry right now? What was he doing? Was he also be there to bust us and Mexicans? or just giving the intel to the ones?

Why would someone like him.. a gorgeous, kind, angelic person accepted to be gay.. to be with a mob leader.. just to give intel about drugs? or mafias? That info wasn't worth it.. I didn't get a thing.. Noone agreed to that.. There should be something more.. but what..

And.. Even if I get that part.. Then why didn't he do his job and snitch us properly? Why did he gave a hidden message and warned us? warned me? 

I already miss him.. my Harry.. "Harry?" I wonder.. If that was his real name? He could be Jack, Tim or something like that.. Aghhh.. I hope he told me the truth about his name.. That would meant I wasn't just a job.. and meant that he took this serious and thought me even before he knew me.. from the start I mean..

I wonder how was his life before me? before the gang? Does he have siblings? Does that story about his father's being dead and leaving him the watch was true? or not?

I was glad Harry warned me.. I was glad he obeyed..and respected the rules.. He could go silently and got us all arrested, he didn't do that.. Even if I got away, I couldn't do something about 'US' then.. But he kept his promise.. He changed his clothes.. He wore his old clothes, emptied the cupboard.. even left it half open.. 

I saw the watch that I bought him, I took it in my hand.. I brushed my hand at its surface.. the writing 'Love u. Your Niall'.. I looked around and couldn't see the necklace that I gave him exactly the same day.. there were letters N and H on it.. Harry never took it off even in bath.. I guess.. He couldn't leave that behind.. At least he took something as a reminder?? That made me smile sadly..

I could smell Harry's cologne on it.. I couldn't cry in normal circumstances.. But I couldn't stop myself anymore.. I had a breakdown.. I noticed the big teddy bear next to our bed.. on Harry's side.. It was always at the corner of our room with the little cat toy.. Somehow its place changed and the cat toy wasn't in the room.. I checked even under the bed..

Harry must have cuddled to the teddy bear.. He did that several times when he was anxious, worried or angry...It kinda relaxed him.. He even slept with it like a little child once.. Probably he thought it was too big to take with himself and took the cat one instead..  

I remembered the day at the amusement park, ice-scating rink, our christmas together.. I remembered all the times that I noticed Harry had tears in his eyes.. You could act and say everything but couldn't cry like that.. I knew the thing between us was real.. I just knew it..

I pulled that teddy bear to my chest hugged to it.. I thought..I wanted to learn everything about Harry.. His real identity.. His life before me.. And I WANTED HIM BACK!.. 

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