chapter 4- Saying goodbyes..

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Harry's POV

I woke up a little late and I thought yesterday was all a bad dream, but the bad headache and being in Louis's house proved me otherwise.. Damn!

I heard noises from the kitchen and walked there to see Louis making us a breakfast. When he notice me, he said "Good morning", I said my "Good morning" back.. I thought this morning is not even close to 'good'.. "I thought you want to eat something before you go and talk to.. you know..Taylor" Louis said.

Taylor? When I realized that everyone wants me to go undercover , normally I should think about her first. How to say this to her and all but I didn't.. She didn't even come to my mind until Louis mentioned her name at that irish pub.. I don't love her.. So it shouldn't be that hard to break up with her..

But I have to admit, I am a little scared because I tried to break up with her many times before and she always comes back even if I didn't want her to. She just tells everyone about our problems, they involved and tried to reunited us, and I couldn't say No.. Argghh.. This will be hard.. But it will be the right thing to do.. And this time it will be final..

"Yeah, you are right. I am gonna tell her today, actually this afternoon.I just have to text her to meet me. Then tonight I will meet with Gemma, tell her, actually I was thinking about Gemma right now, not Taylor.. How am I gonna tell Gemma this shit". I said to Louis but in reality I was actually talking to myself.. "You will work it out some way buddy.." Louis said.

I texted Taylor:
"We need to talk. ASAP. Meet me in an hour in your house. Ok? It is urgent."~Harry.

"When are you going to tell Simon your decision?" Louis said. "Tomorrow". I said. After a pause,I continue "Can you come there with me Lou?". "Of course" he said. I chuckle quietly..

I don't want to go there alone.. I will be alone for months, I decided to use all rest of my time with the ones I love.. Gemma, Louis, Ashton.. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and there is a text from Taylor.

"Ok. I am already at home, you can come over. Is there a problem?"~Taylor

"When I come, I will tell everything"~Harry

I turned to Louis and say "I gotta go man, see you tomorrow, yeah?". He chuckled and " Yeah, see you tomorrow buddy" he said. After I leave, Louis yelled after me "You can call me anytime mate, don't forget that".


I left Taylor's house 10 minutes ago.
It was hard.. I am not good right now. First she said good things that we can work it out, what is the problem, she loves me, she wanted another chance.. I keep saying no to her. She started crying a little.

After that I told her that I will go undercover job and will be not here for months. This time she said "If it is about your leaving for job, I could wait" , and I said "No,I was thinking about this for a long time now. It has nothing to do with the job". This is not totally a lie, I was really thinking about it but couldn't do it, couldn't get the courage I guess. But now.. I don't really care about anything anymore..

"Gemma and Louis caused this, they don't love me and want to break us, but I know that you love me" she said. After that I snapped "This is nothing to do with them. What are you talking about? Just accept the fact that this is not working! 'me and you' hasn't been working for a long time now, why don't you understand that" I said.

"I don't love you in that way anymore. And I don't think you love me either. Sorry. But I'm done!" continued. Finally, I revealed my real feelings about her that I don't love her anymore! After that, she lost it. She started yelling and throwing things at me. She yelled at me that she hates me! I just shut the door and leave..

I picked up my phone to text Gemma. I have to meet with her today and maybe I will stay with her tonight.. I won't be able to see her for months afterall.. When I looked to my phone I saw a text from Louis.

"How did it go? Call me when you are out if you want."~Louis

I wasn't gonna call him but my fingers thought otherwise, I dialled Louis's number and he picked up in seconds. I told him everything. He said "Don't worry, you did the right thing to do. You deserve better." Then I hung up.


I texted Gemma-
"When are you available? I have to talk to u today. It is important."~Harry

Immediately a text came. That was quick.
"What is going on?? I am somewhere near our usual cafe. Wanna meet there? I will be there in 5 min." ~Gemma

I replied "Ok, I am coming there ASAP."~Harry

When I went there, Gemma was already there, sitting and eating a pancake. I said "Hi,sis. Thank you for meeting me so quickly" I said nervously. I want to explain everything at home or a less crowded place.. so afraid to talk right now..

When I sit down next to her, she stopped eating and turned to me. "An uncover mission again?" she said. I looked at her wondering how she understands, really surprised. "I said is it an undercover mission again bro?" she said. How does she do that-knowing everything before I say to her? This is still a mystery to me.

I came back to earth and "Yeah, but this time it is different. And I broke up with Taylor" I said. "Finally! I know you will find the right way eventually" she said giggled a little. I told everything that I told Taylor and Taylor told me.

After that, "What is different about this mission?" she said. And I told her.. everything.. I always tell her my everything.. She gasped, doesn't know what to say for a moment. Then she understands the situation I am in..

"I don't care about your being gay or not for the mission or in reality. You shouldn't either if you gonna do this. Just take care of yourself out there for me, ok? Don't get killed. You are my only family. Just promise me something. Come back home safely" she said.

"I will. Promise." I said. God. I love my sister.. I hope I can keep my promise though.. We decided to take a picture as a memory, she sat on my lap, we both smiled, like it is a perfect day..

Then we went to Gemma's house. We sat a little, she took a shower. I just sat there ,watching some stupid show.. not actually watching.. I wanna spend the day and the night with Gemma but I don't also want to get her upset either..

Luckily, Gemma came up with an idea, she thought that we can't sit at home without doing nothing, we both need a drink so we went to a bar.. She wanted another picture.. Again.. What is that picture thing today? We smiled widely to the camera. Then her mood was suddenly chanced, she started sobbing..

"Gemma, are u alright ?" I said. "I don't wanna lose you. You are all I have got. I love u so much Hazza. I'm scared" she said. "I wanted more pictures with you, so when you are gone, when I miss you, I will look at them.." she continued. Aww.. she is such a cutie..

"Ok look at those pictures until I come back, when I am back, we will get new pictures to whereever you want , ok? I will come back. I promised you, did you forget that? I love you sis. Don't ever forget that.." I said. Now we are both crying.. We hugged for like five minutes. Then we decided to headed home..

When we were at home, we lied down to the same bed, we hugged eachother like we used to do all the time when we were child.. Then we slept.. I am gonna miss this.. I am glad we spent the last day before the mission together..   

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