chapter 14- My First Time

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This chapter will be all about Harry's POV about their first night. This chapter includes a little smut.. So if you are not ok with that, don't read. xx

Harry's POV

Niall seemed so stressed and furious.. He didn't want to talk. He just drank and drank. So I kept my mouth shut and be there for him in case he needs me. I could drive him to anywhere he wants, he could talk to me if he needs to talk and such..

We just drank together. Our arms and thighes were touching each other. We were that close sitting and drinking... He was checking me from time to time.. But he seemed angry with me and I don't know why. What did I do again? Is this still about that old guy-Lincoln? I couldn't be sure..

While we were drinking like that quietly, I heard Niall huff and puff, so I decided to say something to Niall. Maybe I should ask is he ok? or something like that ,so he can tell me..

Therefore, I asked "Are you ok, Niall?", "You don't seem fine. Is anything I can do, Niall?", while asking these questions I touched his arm unknowingly and he just looked from me to his arm then his arm to me again. Why was he acting weird today? What was going on? Was he mad at me? For what? I tried to act calm.. But it was obvious that something is going on..

When Niall was about to say something, and I finally get some answers.. Zayn came. "Boss, can we talk?" he said, "Yeah, I am coming Zayn" Niall said without turning his back. Was he waiting Zayn? I thought maybe I should just go.. When I was about to stand up from my seat,Niall said "Wait here!" to me and went back to talk Zayn.

Zayn seemed worried, they talked a little. I waited at the same place where Niall left me.. I didn't move an inch..

While Niall was with Zayn, he turned and looked at me repeatedly. He was furious. Damn! There was something definitely wrong! Was it something about me? Why they were looking at me. Was I exposed? What am I gonna do? Shitttt..

Niall came back after ten minutes, sat back next to me. He drank one or two more whisky. Again.. I admit that I was worried. Why Niall kept drinking? Why angry? Why checking me with that frown on his face? WHY? There were lots of why's ?

While I was thinking about all these why's and drinking in silent, Niall just put the whisky glass down to the bar table so loudly. Bangg!!!! That made me jump a little bit with fear.

He groaned and said "Let's go!" 

"Where?" I said. Niall frowned. I always obeyed, never questioned Niall before. I do whatever he says all the time. So yeah it was strange for me to ask that. But I didn't mean to questioned him. I just left my gun in the breakroom so I wanted to learn 'if I am gonna need it or not' .

Now Niall get angrier than before if that's possible.. He frowned and looked so confused. So I panicked and tried to explain myself.

I quickly got up from my seat. "I mean.. I will.. of course go to.. whereever you want me to go.. You know that Niall. right. It.. I.. It is just.. I tried to understand if it is a job or not.. gun.. breakroom.. I mean.. I left my gun inside the breakroom.. I tried to understand do I have to get it ? oh shit.. forget about all the things I said.. I will.. just gonna get it right away.." I mumbled.

I was about to turn around and go to the breakroom.. but Niall grabbed my wrist. "No need" he said. "Yeah? Ok then" I said. But I thought inside Why? Why didn't he let me take my gun? He didn't want me to be armed.. Why..

I shook my thoughts and went in front of Niall and wanted the car keys from Liam, I got them, we said our goodbyes to everyone in general.

When we were about to leave the bar, Niall wanted the car keys from me. I was confused. Niall never asked the car keys ever before. Why did he ask now? and without thinking I said "No".

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