chapter 78- Harry-Zayn Hiding?

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Harry's POV

Niall kept giving commends to everyone. First he wanted to hide José so Mr.Flores couldn't hurt anyone before getting his son, it was clever. He sent José with Calum and Luke to one of the vans. Then he wanted the wounded ones especially Josh to be ok, he asked Daryl to take them all to the secret clinic that he built so long time ago for situations like these.

After organising these two things ; the wounded ones and José thing, he turned to us; to me and Zayn, he wanted us to go the secret safe house with Doniya and Waliyha.. Just like that..

I didn't even have an idea that they had some places like that.. And I didn't have any idea about that clinic either.. So those made me think what else I didn't know about Niall.. and this mob..Maybe they really thinking about bombing a bridge and keeping all bomb parts and such in a secret warehouse.. Aghh.. Shut up Harry.. This was not today's subject!!!..

I didn't wanna go to anywhere, I didn't wanna leave Niall here all alone.. I wanted to stay with him, help him, be next to him.. and Zayn thought the same way with me, he didn't wanna leave either..

But Niall was being a stubborn leader.. He kept telling us "GO NOW".. and both me and Zayn kept telling "NO"..  And that made his men looked at us. We were kinda making things worse for Niall.. But I didn't notice it until Niall yelled at us.. If we -the closest ones to him- not follow his lead, then why would his men follow him..

Because we made him repeat what he said and not obeyed his wishes, he started to get angry and talk loudly with us.. Then, "Are you both disobeying me?!!!" he yelled at the end and sent glares to both of us.

"GOO! And that is my final decision! Now GOO!!" he said, that's when I got it.. that we had to go.. and we had to find another way to help him.. 

Then Niall turned to his men, he started to give orders to them, Zayn was about to object Niall again.. But I hold his arm, and shook my head as "DON'T!!".. He looked at me confused.. I gave a sign to him with my head as 'follow me'. I went a couple of steps away from Niall.. Zayn came after me quietly.

We were hearing Niall's growl at the background "Clear the area, destroy your fingerprints and such things. Bring the men with GC tattooes- " he was saying.. "We will say ok and leave this mansion. But we were gonna stay closeby. If and When he needs our help, we were gonna help him. If we insist on staying, he was gonna go mad with us, so just say Ok, allright?" I said.

And at that exact moment, Niall came back, so Zayn just turned to me and a 'Yes' to my offer. When Niall came our side, we just pretend like we got it what he said to us and now we were ready to obey his wishes.. Niall smiled a little and "Come on" he said more calmly to us.. He walked with us to one of the cars outside. Doniya and Waliyha jumped into the back seats immediately..

Niall made a speech to Zayn about why Zayn had to go, told him that his sisters need him more than ever and Zayn should be with them, not with him.. Then they hugged and Zayn went in the driver side of the car..

Then Niall started to walk towards me. He was so worried but he was trying to not show his emotions.. At this type of things anything could go wrong, it was too dangerous and he knew it.. I just ran to him a little and hugged him so tight like this was our last hug..

"I know that I can't change your mind even if I try.. So, ok. But.. Be careful Niall.. Be Careful, ok.. And..Turn back to me.. Please.."I said to him and my voice cracked a little. "I promise" he said. It was like a screen from a damn cheap romantic movies.. "Now Go!" he said and I also went in the car..

Zayn just drove to the end of the street then turn left, went a little further and "Ok, stop." I said to him when I was sure that we weren't seen by Niall anymore.. and he stopped at the exact minute. "Now what?" Zayn said impatiently. "Now we will listen to him, you still had your phone with you, so you can hear what he ordered to his men."I said. 

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now