Chapter 117-Not Dying Today!

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This chapter became 2 chapter-long. Ooppsss. Sorry but not sorry, guys. Enjoy xx

Niall's POV

I was so damn pissed of to Harry- because he left me. AGAIN..
So angry to myself- because I fall in love with him- with a cop- and I couldn't stop those feelings. And I knew that this day would come.. Harry would  have to make a choice between me and the cops. for good. final decision kinda thing.. I was so naive.. I still got a hope, I was still expecting him to choose me.. I hope that he would stay with me, we would be a family.. even if  I knew that he already made that choice before and chose them-not me.. How stupid I was...

I was actually waiting this.. Not that stupid..
I was in depressive mood for a while because of that. I saw it coming...

AGGHHHHHHH.. I hit to the steer wheel multiple times. I lost control of it, so I pulled the car to the right side. I continued hitting and yelling from top of my lungs.."AGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "AGGHHHHHHH" "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "STUPID! AHHH! STUPID! AGHHHH! WHAT WERE YOU EXPECTING, HUH?!" "HIS BEING WITH YOU FOREVER?! F.CK!!! AGGHH!", "or HIS MARRYING TO YOU? PHH!", "U-ARE-AN-IDIOT! AGGHHHH!" ..........

I continued this for a while. Then I started to calm down a little, noticed that my phone buzzed and I could swear I saw Harry's name on the screen. NO. No way. He left.. He took his phone with him while leaving me? Why? To save me from bust again? We got that.. Cupboard.. No need to talk.. about it.. 

I started to drive again.. This call made me kinda disturbed.. not happy. Why was he calling me? He wanted to end his mission.. His department wanted to arrest me during a bust- and I will give them what they want. The end. Maybe I could learn some  new things during my questioning thing. from the questions they were gonna ask. Even if I learn a thing, nothing would change though.. I would still be dumped.. 

Harry called and called, I didn't answer. Then Zayn started to call. What was going on? Was this a coincidence? Or were they together? I don't believe coincidences.. I decided to answer it and learn what was going on from Zayn..

But when I answered the call, Harry was the one speaking. ZAYNN!!! He did this!!! He saw my mode, he found Harry, convince him to talk me out of this thing.. going right to the bust thing.. Harry somehow didn't want me to be arrested, left the cupboard open again, so his accepting what Zayn offered, wasn't that surprising...

He was doing Zayn- me - one last favor.. But.. I DON'T NEED HIS FAVOR!. Not anymore!!!!!..

First Harry warned me about not going to the meeting place, as I was expected. Then he said cops were going to kill me there. But I would already be dead without him.. So I wasn't effected by this news much.

But Harry.. His voice.. He was so panicked.. So worried about me..He was saying "They will kill you. Come back TO ME".., "I AM BACK, I WON'T leave again".. 
A sparkle of hope inside me arise in seconds.. WAS THIS REAL? It can't be.. right?

"I will tell you everything and anything you want", "No secrets between us anymore", "Come back to me, please" he was saying, he started to even cry.. I couldn't stand hearing his voice like that.. I could do anything to stop him crying at normal circumstances.. and this conversation made me to slow down.. I wasn't driving that fast anymore.. I wanted to hear what he was gonna say..

I wanted to be sure if he was serious about it or he was doing this just to save my ass from the bust/killing.. This was important for me..

I wanted him to make me believe to the things he was saying. If he couldn't, then really no need to go back to an empty life.. to a life without Harry..

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