chapter 100-Glock 22

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OMG I can't believe that I'm gonna start writing "chapter 100" in a sec. Thanks for all votings, comments and more importantly keep reading this story.. because it's been soooo looonnnngggg, and people generally prefer short ones -20 chapters-max.30 chapters..

I'm speaking like saying goodbye, I noticed that at this moment, but no.. not saying goodbye yet.. there is at least 5 more chapters or more before the grand finaleee.. Don't trust me about guessing though:D I wrote 'max.10chapters left' when I was in 75th chapter or something:D Clearly not good at

I just got emotional, bcoz this story is apple of my eye and coming close to the end, thanks again for reading.. and yeah chapter 100.. wuhuuuuuu.. Enjoy xx

Niall's POV

When we turned back, Josh picked us up, gave us a brief information about Calum and told us about the situation with Tom. I was expecting a mad Zayn and a crying Luke actually, not a crazy Tom.. But Zayn was absent, Luke wasn't crying but sleeping, and Tom was Tom.. he went insane.. and that didn't surprised me actually..

Zayn could be in the same mood and his being absent was a bigger problem, where was he? What u up to Zaynie? Where are you? Dammittt..

I learnt the answer of one of my questions. Daryl made an explanation about Luke's sleeping, he said that he gave Luke sedative. And I pulled Dave outside and asked Zayn's whereabouts.. Zayn trusted this Dave guy like a lot.. So did I.. So I thought, he told him his aim, his plans, etc. And I was right.. He told me that Zayn went to see our mole, Glenn. And Why was it?

Glenn was a cop, and I suspected there was a mole in the mob, mexicans weren't responsible from this attack. But.. cops? I thought someone could be working for American-Italian mafia actually.. Gotta admit though.. I thought that the mole could be a cop, too..

I examine Harry a little.. He cried a lot.. and still had tears in his eyes.. He was so furious about this attack, he was so sad about Calum.. and he wanna make the person pay for what he did to Calum.. He had no f.cking idea about what the was going on here as well.. and I never saw him with a phone or something in Paris.. or when we landed..

Even if the mole in the mob was a cop, Harry didn't have any knowledge about that person.. or he knew that person, but he certainly didn't know what he was gonna do. I was pretty sure about that..

I still couldn't get these cops.. I mean..How they work? One of them tried to kill me, the other one saved me in that pool-side meeting, then one of them tried to busted us, one of them left clue behind and warned us in the meeting with mexicans.. and now this!.. Ugh!

I knew that Harry didn't wanna hurt any of us.. If he wanna do that, he could do that long time ago.. But I wasn't sure about his relationship with this new guy.. Maybe that mole came to replace Harry's place when he was absent? do Harry's job? But what was this job? Ughh..

"Why Zayn thought a cop did this? Is he just guessing or we have a real lead?" I said to Dave, and he wanted me to go with him to a corner away from Harry and the others, when he was sure noone was listening, "After Zayn Malik talked to you, he told Daryl,Josh and me that we probably have a mole and he wanted to check something, then he wanted the bullets which were found in Calum's body,boss" Dave said.

"He went to see Glenn to show him the bullets, gonna want from him to check if they belong to a certain cop or something" Dave added. "Good! That's clever!" I said.

Now I knew both Luke and Zayn situation, so I headed to Tom.. I saved Tom a year ago or something, at that time I wasn't even the leader of this mob, my father was.. And Tom couldn't control himself in one case, he attacked to some American-Italian mafia members, he was protecting our members actually.. but he acted alone.. and not obeyed my father's orders.. that could cause major problems if my father couldn't deal with the mafia.. And my father was more strict man than I was.. So he wanted Tom to leave the mob.. and wanted him to be an example for the others..

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin