Chapter 124-Niall woke up

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Harry's POV

After taking Zayn's car. I started to drive to police station. But I had some doubts about Louis and Ashton. I wanted to end those dirty cops, but I also wanted to save Niall's and his mob members' asses.. They might be not on board with me about it. I didn't want them to be in jail as well. We could make a deal or something if necessary. They were cooperating anyway. 

So..While I was driving really fast, I slowed down, pulled over the car and stopped. Louis and Ashton were saying things like
Louis: "What the, Harry? No time to stop now!"
Ashton: "Why we stopped? Did you forget something in the mansion?" 

"Guys GUYS. Shhh. No, I didn't forget something in the mansion,Ash. I just want to make something clear here..between us.. The man who is unconsciously laying at a hospital bed with many tubes on, bind to a monitor, has many stitches at everywhere in his body.. is the love of my life.. I couldn't even imagine a life without.. him.. I.. Love him.. And I love you both. But I need to know, Are you going to help me in this thing till the end? I don't want him or his friends to get in jail  as well..and- " I was saying,

"Look, Harry. We know you love this Niall guy, we got that. But, one day, he will get arrested for being a mob leader, for all the drugs etc. I don't think you can prevent it to happen, but-"Louis was saying,

"Just promise me, you will help to me first about catching these dirty cops, then we will try to find a way to help Niall and his members." I said, "Ok" Ashton said, Louis was like thinking about it, then he said "Ok" ,too.. Good.. Now we can continue our road.

"Ok. First we have to gather as many evidence as we can. This is not a small thing. We will accuse many people as being a 'dirty cop'. We should learn all the names, find some proof, then we have to say it to the head of the station. We can't just go and complain."I said

"So..When we get in the station- Ashton-you will check all recordings, you have the number, you will check old calls. You will search a confession about Tim and Jack , or being a dirty cop, or staging me-Niall-Bobby Horan etc.- any bad thing, ok? Recordings are your duty." I said, "Ok, I will be on it"Ash answered 

"Louis, you and I will check agendas and surveillance pictures. Compare them. I mean..There are dates under all pictures, but no names. Some we know, some we don't.  We also have full name related documents-agendas. So we can check those dates and learn from the agendas whom Bobby Horan gave money or deal at that date."  I said

"Ok. we can do it. But there can still be dirty cops in station, maybe we should do this at the house of one of us?" Louis said. "Recordings are in my lab at the station, first we have to take those though. Then yeah, I agreed to Louis, we shouldn't stay at the station. It is risky" Ashton said in panick tone. 

When he noticed our questioning looks, "We can't be sure about who are good cops and who are bad cops. Probably there is a dirty cop/cops in high rank status,too. so we should be careful-" Ashton was saying, 

"How you are certain about it?-" Louis answered to him. "I am not.. certain. but. There were almost 50cops there, you saw them.. probably they were all dirty cops? yeah?- we aren't talking about just 2,3 cops here,guys. If there were just 2 guys, high rank ones could maybe miss them.. maybe.. But 50 cops? NO WAY. It is too hard to not notice different-weird actions of 50 cops.. Someone is protecting them. So we should be careful." Ashton said. 

"Ok. Then we should go to my-" I was saying, but "NO. Not yours. All dirty cops know you. It would be their first place to check. Can't be my house or Ash's as well." Louis said. "Could be a not crowded cafe or a motel room kinda place?"Ash said, wasn't expecting him to say those. That guy was home to work-work to home type of a guy. I guess somethings changed while I was away.

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