Chapter 112-Zayn's Regret

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Zayn's POV

I was sleeping, I was so damn tired because of that fcking meeting that we did with American-Italian mafia. I arranged almost everything, ran from one place to another, too many things happened, I was so worried about Niall, when I finally got into bed, it was almost 2, but couldn't sleep till 3 am or something. 

and we had to go to a meeting at 8 am, so I was planning to get up early today, but still, I wasn't expecting to wake up like this.. 

I heard someone breaking things, crashing voices were heard all over the house, then I heard Niall screaming "WHY?WHY??", and then he yelled to Paul "Leave me alonee!!!!". I jumped out of my bed and started to change my clothes. At that time, a panicked Paul appeared at my door.

"What's going on again, Paul? Why Niall is that mad?" I said, "It is Harry. He left,Zayn. Niall isn't ok. He lost himself. I' ve never seen him like this before" Paul said. "Yeah, you did.." I answered. Paul looked at me with questioning eyes, "At the 1st time of Harry's leaving. He was like this at that time,too" I said. "He wasn't like this. This is different. I am like your father, right?" he said, "Yeah yeah Paul, but why-" I was saying, "Then trust me, this is different, this is more serious, please talk to him for me. Try to make him calm down" he said. Paul was still so panicked, so I wanted to calm him down, "Ok.. Ok. I will. I am going now. He will be ok, don't worry"I said and I left the room. 

But Paul's mode made me more panicked than before. Because yesss, he is like our father and yesss, he notices things about me that I didn't even notice about myself. He was able to do that to Niall, too. And his saying 'this is serious' was serious. Shittttt... So I ran downstairs.

While I was at stairs, I heard Niall's yelling like "AGHHHHHH!!!!!!!", and saw a vase flying over to somewhere to the end of room. When I was finally at Niall's side, he was pulling his hair, walking back and forth. Some of mob members who lives in mansion were already came around him, kinda circled him, and they were asking him if he was ok or not. 

Niall hated that question, he once said to me that if you feel like u need to ask 'are u ok?', it means you think that person isn't ok. u already know the answer. so why you ask! I dont get it"..   and I remember, "to make the person speak up about the problem, Niall. so speak up" I said, and he chuckled and told his problem to me.. But this time I feel like it wouldn't work.

I gave sign to the men around Niall, to get lost. They started to leave one by one.. Just the 2 of us left. Then Paul came with Josh. Paul thought that Niall needs his big brother and little brother at his side probably. So after calling me, he called Josh,too. Clever man.

I thought we 3 could calm him down, he would sulk and be in bad sad mood in a few days, then he would be allright actually. Paul came with a cup of tea, but it was the wrong cup.. Before I even noticed that, I heard Niall's high voice. I didn't take the situation too serious before.. But Niall yelled like..

ALWAYS, HUH?!! ALWAYS ... Not seems like it..from here.. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! 

and he break the mug. and with that, I understood how wrong I was.. when I saw Niall's throwing the mug to the wall i mean.. Harry gave it to Niall and noone could touch that mug even to wash it. Niall didn't want anyone to break it by mistake or its writings to be erased. 

Why Paul brought the damn tea in that fcking mug, for God's sake.. Ughh! Paul was so shocked, too. Niall fall to the ground, started to cry, started to say "ENOUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!! ENOUUGGHHHH, ZAYNNNN.. ENOUGH!", he was crying and still trying to talk, trying to make us understand how he feels at that moment..

He told me a story about a broken cup, said once it broken the cup won't be the same again even if you fix it, glued all the parts- but if it falls 2nd,3rd,4th time, it is done, u can say goodbye to that cup, it can't be fixed again.. And the cup was the relationship of Niall&Harry in this case. 

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