Chapter 118-Called me 'Son'

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Tom's POV

When Zayn sent us after Niall, just 1 car group, including not-so-wellknown mob members, I thought this wasn't something serious, u know.. I thought it was like the times we were following Niall's car when he was going to ice-skating with Harry. or When any other time Niall didn't want bodyguards to protect him, but Zayn sent some of his members anyway. Just for precaution i mean.. 

Luke was driving, I was at passenger side. The 3 guys that I just show once or twice were at backseats. I even opened the radio, listening some music. Chilling out.. We were talking about Calum. Luke was telling me that he would be at Daryl's clinic for a week and he was doing fine.

Luke drives the car not so fast, not so slow, in the middle at normal circumstances. Thats why he always drive it, people like his driving-skills. I always got carried on and drive so fast. Whatever.. What was I gonna tell.. um. yeah. But currently, He was driving faster than usual. There was a noticable difference. So I asked the reason. Was something going on that I didn't know?

Me: What's up with you today? You are driving faster than usual? What's going on?
Luke: Zayn wanted me to catch Niall as soon as possible. I think..he may be in danger..
Me: In danger? Why did you think like that? 
Luke: There are some SGs at the back of the car, Tom. This is never a good news.

Luke told me that there were some heavy weapons at the back. We called them SGs (Serious Guns). Zayn only took them out when he thought we could be in danger. Like when we were going to meet with Mexicans and our relationship wasn't good at that time kinda days. So this wouldn't be a peaceful meeting.. 

Noone told us what the heck was going on.. Normally we all- all the mob i mean- should go to that meeting place.. all together. An hour later. But somehow Niall went solo.. only him.. Now we were tailing him.. and now.. heavy weapons? 

What did we miss? 
Luke and I stayed at the clinic last night, near Calum. Whaaatt? I was trying to show my supporting - friendly side. Actually when I learned that Calum woke up, I just said "Oh Good for him. Great", but that was it. Normal people shows affection to each other, go visit that people, buy some flowers, chocolate,etc. or just be there. I knew all of these. But I couldn't just do it. I was a moron. I feel like I was a robot or something. Without feelings. I couldn't think these kinda things like everyone else. I think I was broken. Not that caring this situation actually. But Niall cares it for both of us. 

I was helping to arrange tables at poolside, Niall called me to his side. He told me that my job was done. He didn't need me there anymore. He told me about Calum's wake up, told me that I should pay a visit. I rejected, told him that I wanted to be at the meeting. What if a problem occured? He said too many people at his side, no need, he needed a man to ptotect Calum and Luke. For a second, I believed him. I would be The Bodyguard, gonna protect people for Niall...

But in a sec., Niall gave me some money, wanted me to buy a movie, some food-snacks, and a present to Calum. "You will stay at the clinic with them. Spend time with them. Give yourself and your friends a chance, Tommy" he said. "His favourite food is Hawaiian pizza, ice cream-cookie etc mint chocolate ones, favourite movie Monsters Inc., get these to him." Niall said, he was walking me to the door. I was still saying "But boss..But..", he threw me out and "Have fun" he said with a chuckle.

I got all of them and as a present I got Calum&Luke a puppy. I knew that he prefers dogs over cats and he wanted one. I heard him talking with Luke about it. They both became happy. We watched the movie together. They treated me super nice. Then they both slept like babies, and I didn't even blink. Niall gave me a mission afterall..

At the morning, Zayn called Daryl, wanted him to create a 1 car group which were at clinic but healty like me and Luke. He said that we were closer to the meeting place than them.

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now