chapter 41- My Other Half

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Hey guys, This is the longest chapter, I guess. This is actually the same night but in Harry's POV.. Enjoy! xx

Harry's POV

After I left the mansion, I was so damn angry and sad.. more than those.. disappointed.. Yeah.. that kinda summarises my feelings.. I knew Niall didn't trust me in business stuff and he had every right for that.. I could be anyone.. a spy or a cop which I am.. anyway..

But.. But.. I thought.. "he loves me, I love him, we trust each other in that subject".. I guess.. I was wrong.. He didn't trust me, he thought that I could sleep with Zayn, I could cheat him.. 

When I first leave the mansion, I had no idea to where to go.. I just knew that I should get the hell away from that damn mansion before doing something I would regret afterwards.. I just ran to my car. I drove a little and cried. 

I wanna go somewhere and drank,drank,drank.. Ohh I wish I could go to Louis's or Ashton's house right now.. or call them to tell them what happened.. But..I couldn't.. Thanks to this damn f.cking undercover thing.. 

I hate it because of all those secrets and all feeling guilty.. I wish I met Niall normally not when I was in undercover job.. This wasn't tonight's subject though.. I opened the windows of the car and got some fresh air.. It was freezing outside but I couldn't care less..

After I was done crying, I drove to Dublin Pub. I didn't wanna go Shamrock.. Probably Liam also knew that shit and played with me.. So I chose my favourite 2nd pub. I like there, it was a little cozy and there is a nice bartender there, Ed Sheeran. 

Ed is a red-head man, he is very talkative and fun.But.. I was not in a mood to talk anyway actually.. Niall likes Ed and trusts him, I don't know why and frantically I don't care.. Appearntly, he trusts everyone, but me...  

About Ed, the second thing I like is that, If you are not in mood to talk, he won't push you and try so hard to talk with you. And that was what I need right now. I wanted "quite".. I didn't need someone non-stop talking and asking "What the is going on with me?".. I was in a state that I could start a fight in a second without any reason, or punch someone and wreak my anger on that person..

I went in Dublin pub, I said my 'Hi' to Ed. He smiled widely because I didn't come here for a while now. "Ed, I don't wanna talk at all. But when you see my glass empty, just full it again, ok?" I said. "Got it, boss" Ed said and winked at me. 

I drank, Ed poured another one, I drank, Ed poured another one, I drank, Ed poured another one.. That went like that.. Then I saw he kept talking to someone on the phone and checking if I saw him or not.. and he acted like it was some kind of secret.. That was so understandable.. I wasn't an idiot.. That was Niall.. on the phone.. Oh God!!!.. 

Does this make me happy? He kept calling and calling me and I didn't answer any of them. Probably he checked all of the pubs of our gang and found out that I was here. And now, Ed gave him report per an hour or something.. I couldn't even drink in peace..

I didn't want his damn concern right now.. I drank one more.. I felt like everyone around me acts like they were my friend but no, nobody-nothing belonged to me, they all Niall's.. I just shared it.. If I was with Niall, they were with me.. If I was not, they automatically with Niall.. Noone really cared about me.. Why did I surprise to that fact.. Of course they would chose him over me.. Jesuss.. I was so stupid.. sometimes.. I could blame the alcohol for that stupidness though.. 

I started to feel numb and dumb, the ground started to slip under my feet.. wuhuuuuuuu.... That felt good a little.. Ed started to talk on that damn phone more often.. So I checked my time.. It was time to go to damn mansion, I guess..

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