Chapter 132- The Final 3/5- Whaaaatttt?!

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Niall's POV

A few day passed, I was taken out of that hospital. Everybody was acting like I was a fragile object or something.

I was laying on my bed all day, Harry was next to me like all the time, not leaving me even for a second. Paul was making soups and my favourite dishes, Tom was bringing me more pillows, Josh was playing some songs I like, Zayn was checking my wounds-changing my bandages.

They were all coming and holding my hand, checking my temperature, kissing my head or hugging me, kept saying me "Don't make us worried like that again! Ever!" , "You are too important to us- U should know that -Don't forget that kinda things. I was like drawning from this extra attention..

It was all good, but too much.. I didn't deserve all this extra attention..

"Come on.. I am fine. Just go do whatever you do all the time" I said several times , but they didn't listen. At the end, I blew up.

"Everyone. Out. Please." I said. They were like "But.." ,"But Niall..". I hushed them all and they started to leave the room. "Zayn, u stay" I said. Harry was looking at me like why him?, "I have questions to him about mob. U can all go" I said. After hearing that, Harry and others just left the room..

"What you wanna learn, boss? Everything is under control. You should have rest-"Zayn was saying. "Zayn. I said that because I wanted Harry to leave the room. Now. Wearing rings on hospital bed was ok nice, we turned back to normal thanks to that. But it wasn't a nice memory to remember. and I hadn't got a chance to popped the question. I want Harry to remember it magically. Maybe I should arrange a date and a romantic dinner , and then this time I should ask it. It should be a day to remember, u know. That he could never forget.."I said.

"Got it. What you have in mind? I know that look. You already have a plan, don't you?"Zayn said with a smile. He knew me so well..

"Yeah.. I want you to call or pay a visit to Uncle Barney, make a reservation for us to his ship-restaurant that I loved to hang out ages ago." I said. "Before Harry, you mean" Zayn said with a teasy smile. "Yeah. I liked that place" I continued. "I know"he said with another teasy smile.

This restaurant was interesting. There was an old berthed ship at seaside. It was restored, became a restaurant who offers you mostly seafood, but you can also find other meals, as well. It even had cafe kinda place inside. At day time, it doesn't move an inch. It is like a normal cafe/restaurant. Just in a ship. But when dinner time came, it started to become more crowded. Everybody drank, like it was a rule of the place. Then, during dinner, it starts to move. Hiphop-pop-disco music kinda musics started to be played. Everybody started to dance. Alcohol level in their system from dinner also helped to the situation. And it became a full party people loaded ship sailing from one side to another, in sea.
I went there with Zayn a lot, before I met Harry. There were some nice hot guys there. I had one time things with people from there. Zayn came after us, to check me, at all times. That was weird. But even at those times, he had complo theories in his mind. Like that guy could be a spy from another mob and he could kill me during sex or something. Crazy. Zayn's that mode made me smile , even now.

Zayn's teasy smile was because of that. He was teasing me, reminding me my old single times there.

"God!! You want another bite to your head or something,Zayn" I said. "No.No. The one you make at hospital bed was enough. I am good." he continued. His hands were in the air, he was like surrendering. But his teasy smile turned into laugh as soon as I told him that.

"Ok. Ok. Now. A romantic table for two. And less people, if possible. Champagne. Red roses. Anything else?" Zayn said. "I am impressed,Zayn. You know these stuffs. U, dog. Liam is a lucky lad" I said with a chuckle. It was my turn to become a tease. He was all red.

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