Chapter 123- Agendas&Envelopes

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Harry's POV

We took courses in academy to take our feelings under control at any circumstances.. But I never saw someone as successful as Zayn at this thing. 

He was acting like..he wasn't the one crying a few minutes ago at Niall's side. He put his strong face on. He brought the car to the front of hospital till we got out. He said "GET IN. We have dirtbags to catch!"

As soon as we got in, he started to make speed, threw his phone to me. I caught it in the air, turned to him with questioning eyes, what was I supposed to do with his phone? At that moment, Zayn became all bossy, started to tell his demands.

-"Call Paul." 
-"If you can't reach him, call Hank or Patrick."
-"Put it on speaker"   

Paul: ZAYN, What happened? Is Niall ok? Did something happen to him? Is he ok? Where are yo-?
Zayn: PAUL, we are.. o-.. Not ok exactly.. Cops shot Niall, he is in hospital-
Paul: Oh NOOO.. NOOOO.... My poor boy.. NOO....
Zayn: Paul? -crying voices of Paul- Paul? -some weird voices- DAD! He will be ok.. Alright? He will come back to us. 
Paul: Is it true? or Are you lying? Lying is not good, son.. Just tell me the truth.. 
Zayn: I am telling the truth already. He will stay at hospital for a few days, but he will be ok. Promise.
Paul: Promise?  
Zayn: Ye..ah. Promise. Now.. Thats not why I called you.. We need to stop these dirty cops, for good. We can't be sure that they won't attempt to a thing like this again. 
Paul: Oo..ok.. -sounded like he didn't get why Zayn telling him this-
Zayn: I want you to do something for me.. for Niall.
Paul: Anything you want, son. What's it?
Zayn: Do you remember Bobby Horan's notebook kinda thing that he took notes into it all the time? 
Paul: Of course I remember. He wasn't leaving it anywhere.-chuckled- Mostly carried it on him. It was a little thing, like a hand-size. in every time. He put those notebooks into inside pocket of his jacket. 
Zayn: In every time?
Paul: Yeahh. He had many notebooks,son. Not just one. He was a mob leader for loonnnggg years, son. 1 notebook couldn't be enough for all informations. -chuckled-
Zayn: Paul, when Bobby Horan died, Niall was too upset and I wanted you to put all the things that belonged to Bobby Horan- to a box and remove that box from Niall's sight, hid in a safe place, remember? We need that box, now. And we need all those notebooks. Are they close to you? to the mansion? Can you find them for us, till we got there. like almost in an hour.
Paul: No problem. Boxes are here in the mansion. They will be waiting you when you arrived. 

-"Hang up, Harry"
-"Now call, umm.. Luke. Call Luke."

Zayn: Luke, Tom took Niall to a hospital
Luke: What? Is he-?
Zayn: NO Time to explain now. He will be ok, ok? And Tom got shot,too. He is unconscious. Only Josh and Glenn are there. Probably Glenn will have to leave soon. Send some men to Josh's side.  
Luke: How many me-?
Zayn: 1 car group. Not heavy armed. But don't send them without gun, too. And if anything changes in Niall's situation, Call me! Now give the phone to Daryl.

Zayn: Daryl, we don't know what these dirty cops are thinking, they could still be after evidence. They got in the mansion when it was full of our men. Now, Paul is at home with just 2 bodyguards. So, sent some men there, with heavy guns.
Daryl: Ok, boss. 
Zayn: But. There could be a bust to the mansion, by good cops. So.. They won't be in the mansion and get arrested for that. Told them to take the van. They will wait in it, outside of the the mansion. If they see dirty cops, they will fight back. if not dirty cops, then they will leave the area, let good cops search. Ok?  
Daryl: How they will understand that they are dirty or not, Zayn?
Zayn: Good question. Probably if they aren't shooting u, they are goodcops. -chuckled- Or.. Wait. Harry or me will come along with them, if they are goodcops. Ok? 
Daryl: Yeah, boss. Got it. 

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