Chapter 121- Critical..

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*I'm going to update tomorrow again. kisses xx

Zayn's POV

While I was driving to the meeting place, first everyone in the car, especially Harry and Josh were too panicked. And they were all talking at the same time. I lost it as expected, yelled them a little. I didn't have time for these! While I was doing my calls, they got calm, to listen whatever I was talking. 

Then I noticed those 2 cops were trying to listen some things from their recorder-mp3 kinda thing at the backseat. Josh got calmer, just watching the road. Harry was so sad, hitting his own head, calling himself "Stupid" like x100times.. 

When we arrived to the place, I noticed our men were shooting cops-cops were shooting them, it was like WW3, total mess.. With instict, I checked Niall first- he wasn't anywhere to be seen, then checked Liam- saw him- he was in good shape, then checked everyone Luke, Keith, Tom... Where was Tom? I couldn't see him,as well. 

Harry was yelling like ENOOOUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH.. We were like in the middle somewhere. Harry wanted me to stop the car there. Not near our men. He wanted to talk to cops. I didn't think it would work. But.. with this way, while we were stalling them, Niall could be saved from wherever he was. So agreed and came here.

I called Luke, he wasn't answering. I called Liam, he said he didn't see Niall as well, but he learned that he was shot and Tom was with him.
Shot? Was it serious? I panicked.
While I was questioning Liam, I saw an 'income-call' writing at my phone screen, it was Tom. I hang up Liam and answered Tom's calling. 

He told me that he couldn't be sure if Niall's wounds are serious or not, but he was in bad shape, so Tom didn't wanna risk it and took Niall to the closer hospital- not to Daryl. He wanted Gwen-Maggie's numbers from me. I took the hospital's name and told him that I would take care this for him. Harry was still talking to cops, I called Gwen, told him the situation, wanted him to help Tom there. 

I was still not sure if Niall was ok or not. He got shot, he got out of that burning car.. and Tom's voice.. I never heard him this sad or panicked before.. So I could imagine that 'bad shape' in million different kind in my head.  

Then one of these cops tried to kill Harry. and that made me piss off.. He was still at my responsibility, Niall entrusted him to me!
What kinda guys were these?!! You can't kill one of you- thats how we were teached.. You shouldn't! Even mafia members had some codes-rules.. 

This remind me the day when they shot Bobby Horan.. These were the guys.. I learned one of them was Chris, other one was Simon. I saw these 2 that day there.. One of them shot Bobby Horan.
And that Brad guy, he was the one who tried to shot Niall at the pool meeting. And he was working with Rick, those 2 were up to something. They all acted together!
But..In recordings, they were saying our secret will be out if they can't find it on time. They were like scared of something that others didn't know- They wanted them not to find out- they were searching Niall's study room to prevent that happen. WHY? What was there? How can Niall know- have anything about those cops?! OH.. Not Niall- Bobby! Bobby Horan's Diary.. He was taking note of everything..

Once he told me, he and Arnold went to deal with 2 cops, after deal was over, while they were about to get in their car, they heard some noises. They noticed that 2 cops were running to the place where sound came from.
Our Bobby got curious, so they followed the cops, and saw them with a man. One of them was saying "I killed the other one, You will kill this one" kinda thing. and other one killed the man.
This came too weird to Bobby Horan, till that day he thought cops watch each others' backs. Not opposite. So he told this incident to me and some other big members of our mob. He wanted us to never be like that. 

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant