Chapter 127- Come back to us..

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Liam's POV

I was in this mob for a long time. I worked for Bobby Horan before Niall. During a little war between Mexicans and us, I got shot from my right leg too bad. It wasn't an easy operation, and I started to limb after that. Not able to walk properly. I was shot from my left arm too but it wasn't that serious.

Bobby Horan told me to work like how I used to work, otherwise I could find myself at door. I wasn't a person who complains about working. But it was hard, working while u were in pain.. But I had no other choice. I had noone to take care of me. So I continued working like that for months. It was like a torture.

Then Bobby Horan got sick, he started to not come pubs a lot, not check us. Niall was showing up instead. He was talking to Zayn mostly, because he knew Zayn from his childhood times. He was asking Zayn questions -getting knowledge about mob members. Who is ..? what is he doing? kinda questions. Zayn was telling him everything he knew about that person.

If Niall still had question marks about that person or found it necessary to talk with that guy, he wanted to meet with the guy.

And one day, Zayn told me that Niall wanted to see me. I got so nervous.. I could barely walk. I did jobs too slowly. I could just use my right hand. I wasn't look strong.. Shitttt...

He talked 2 or 3 people before me. None of them got fired, he solved their problems, and they left the pub happily. But I didn't think, I would leave the pub happily.. I thought that he would fire me.. Who would want a cripple man in his mob for God's sake, right?

I was both sad and worried. When I got in his office, I didn't even let him talk. I put my head down, rushed into his side, without looking him in the eye, I started to say things like;
"I can work harder, sir",
"I can try to make my job faster",
"It is because of my leg, but it is healing",
"Don't fire me, please.",
"I have nowhere else to go"

"Hey Hey Heyyy. Liam. Look at me. Who told you that I will fire you. Calm down, Liam." he said. I stopped talking for a sec., Niall continued "I said Look at me","Please".
I looked at him. "Now, sit down. Please. We gotta talk" he said. I was still not believing that he wouldn't fire me but I sat the place he showed to me. 

"Now, Liam. As I learned from Zayn, you are working for my father for loong years. You got shot while you were in a shooting area to protect our members, I can't fire someone like u.. I just want to change your working conditions. You shouldn't be running around with that leg. You need a more relax- less running job. And I have that kinda new position.But I need someone who I can trust 100%.. I was searching a reliable and trustworty people. and Zayn recommended you, he trusts you. And I trust Zayn. I count on his instincts, too. Here is the thing Liam, I didn't like the bartender and I sent him to one of our other pubs. I want You to take his place." Niall said.

New position? Trustworty man needed?  Bartender? Huh?

"Oookk??? You..want.. ME.. to be.. the.. bar-ten-der?" I said with a confused expression on my face. What the heck?  It was weird, that wasn't that special position.. But why not?- I could be a bartender. Better than being unemployed, i guess..

Niall chuckled, "Yes, but more than that. You will not only be a bartender. You would help me with things, like my right hand Zayn does." Niall said.

"Woahhh.. Whattt? I was thinking that u will fire me, now you are offering me to be your left hand or something?" I said with shocked. 

Niall chuckled again "Left hand, hmm, that was a good expression. Yeah, I want you to be my left hand. you will stay at this pub all the time in working hours, you won't be in field anymore though. People should be able to reach you any time of the day. Is it ok to you?" he continued. 

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now