Chapter 37

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Huhu Giyu make my heart go BRR

Giyu POV
"Before we go, I have to let you know who I went and talked with." I say to the eight other Hashira standing in front of me.

They all stated at me either confused, or with their normal expressions.

"What do you mean? Aren't they just normal people who want to help our cause?" Rengoku was the first to speak up.

I slowly shook my head, causing more confused faces.

"Their names are Miss Tamayo, and Yushiro...and they're demons." I said hesitantly.

All of the Hashira stood up a quickly drew their swords. I place my hands up as a gesture to calm down.

"Trust me when I say, they are really trying to help. They made it so (y/n) didn't have to deal with Muzan's control. They've even helped Tanjiro and Nezuko." I explained calmly.

"How are we sure they won't betray us?" Iguro asked.

"If they wanted to, they wouldn't have gone so far to creat the cure to turning a demon back to human."

There was a long pause of silence and it made me feel anxious about how they'd react.

The Hashira's all exchanged looks with each other as if they were speaking telepathically.

The tension in the air quickly grew thick and I had come to the conclusion that they would refuse to work with Tamayo and Yushiro.

...So, I'm on my own then?

"If Tomioka-san trusts them, we should too. After all, he is also apart of the Hashira." Shinobu broke the silence.

A twinge of hope sparked in my chest as I looked at her with a thankful expression.

"I may not trust the demons, but if Shinobu is going along with Tomioka, then I will too." Himejima cried.

The others all slowly started to agree and were beginning to get excited about finally ridding the world of the parasite Kibutsuji Muzan.

Time Skip
We had all just finished preping for the big fight. Our swordsmiths came down to make our nichirin blades stronger, more durable, and sharper. All for the hope that we could finally defeat Muzan.

A wave of adrenalin, and fear struck over the younger and lower ranks of the slayer corps. Some of them even said their goodbyes to their families, and friends.

I couldn't have anymore respect for them. They all came on their own will, ready to risk their lives for a possibility of finally defeating our enemy.

The night sky rolled over us, and Tamayo and Yushiro both walked out to greet us. The other slayers hesitantly making their way behind the Hashira.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and even Murata showed up and stood next to me.

"Thank you all, for putting your trust in us. I can imagine how hard it is to trust a demon like myself, so thank you...really." Tamayo spoke softly.

Yushiro walked out in front of Tamayo, with the very same scowl he always had on. Tanjiro and his eyes had crossed, making Tanjiro livid with anger.

"The battle ahead will not be an easy one, many of you will not make it..."

I heard small gasps and whimpers coming from behind me, and feel Zenitsu's fear against my own skin. 

I couldn't argue with Yushiro's comment as he was speaking with no hesitation.

There was no promise that everyone would make it back alive, we couldn't afford to sugar coat anything right now.

"I'm sorry to lay it on all of you like that, but you haven't seen what the upper moons, and even Muzan, can do." Yushiro finished.

"Muzan has been alive for a thousand years. Meaning he has eaten countless people, he has the power to transfer his strength to others. His upper moons may not be as powerful, but they are very close." Tamayo added.

"Lady Tamayo has created the cure for turning demons back into humans. The plan is to inject Muzan as many times as it takes to slow him down in order for one of the Hashira to give the final blow." Yushiro explains.

"If death by decapitation fails, we are left with two other options. The first being to fight until morning. Muzan's regeneration speed is like none you have seen before. He regenerates within a millisecond of being hit."

"The second is having (y/n) (l/y), the light hashira who has been forced into being a demon, use her blood demon art."

Small chatter among the slayers began to pick up.

"(Y/n) (l/n)?"

"We have a light hashira?"

"Great, another demon."

"There are ten hashira? Since when?"

"I'll bet she wanted to be a demon all along."

"If she's with him, there's no way she'd be alive."

"She's probably out killing millions right now."

I had to bite my tongue in order to hold back my anger and not outburst. My body physically began to shake with rage.

Do they have no respect? Do they feel no remorse for a comrade? One who was a top rank slayer?

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. Slowly, I turned my head around to see whose hand it was.

My eyes met with a green checkered haori, so I let my gaze meet his kind crimson hues.

Tanjiro gave me a reassuring look as of to tell me not to worry. I nod my head and try to suppress the anger inside.

We'll show them how amazing of a person you are, (y/n).

"Don't think too much, remember they have had countless run ins with demons and all have been bad. They've probably seen some horrible things the demons have done. I believe when they finally meet (y/n) for who she is, they'll understand." Tanjiro said quietly with a gentle smile.

I turned my head back forward and stared at the ground, letting my thoughts run wild. Imagining different things that'll happen when everyone else finally meets (y/n) again.

"Are you all ready?" Tamayo asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Everyone loudly cheered, some letting out cries. It was time for us to get moving.

Time for us to defeat the other side.

Time for me to find her.

Hoooo boy...big battle ahead. I got anxious just writing that-
I'm sorry I've been dragging the chapters out, I have a couple of reasons for that.
One being: Plot
Two being: angst
Three being: I want this story to be at least 40-45 chapters long

So, the next chapter is going to be either a very long one, or broken up into smaller chapters. I haven't really decided how I want them to be just yet. In my head I know where I want the story to go and how I want the next chapters to be, just got to format it now.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and can't wait to see you in the next one!

Please stay hydrated!

Word count 1166 words

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