xiaojun - practice room

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word count : 392


your voice resonated throughout the room as you practiced singing one of the songs on your album. you went through each part and made sure your voice transitioned smoothly.

after a bit, you grabbed a microphone and played the song you were practicing on the sound system in the room. you sang for awhile before deciding to take a break.

is xiaojun still here? maybe he left for his schedule already.

you left the practice room with a bottle of water in your hands. you walked down the hall and went up a flight of stairs.

you walked down another hall and looked for xiaojun. as you walked, a door opened and you saw doyoung and shotaro exit.

"doyoung, are you guys done?" you asked him.

"nah, we're taking a lunch break. xiaojun is in there if you're looking for him," doyoung answered while pointing to the door that led to the practice room they were in.

"okay, thanks," you said and they walked past you. you walked to the door and opened it. inside were the rest of the "make a wish" unit resting or looking at their phone screens.

you walked towards xiaojun, who suddenly looked up from laying on the floor. "oh, hey baby," he greeted.

"hi," you sat down next to him while he laid back down on the ground, "how's practice going?" you asked.

"good, just tired," he answered.

"did you order any food to eat?" you asked him.

"yea, doyoung and shotaro just left to pick it up," he answered. you nodded. "what have you done today?" he asked you, "did you practice?"

you nodded again, "yea, i was practicing downstairs."

"how'd it go?" xiaojun asked.

"pretty good, but i need a break or else i won't be able to sing tomorrow," you laughed. "i wish i could just sing forever, that would make my life so much easier."

"i think we all wish that would happen," he laughed. "hey," he called out to you.


xiaojun pointed to his lips, signaling his need for a kiss. you leaned towards him and kissed him.

"thank you for my good luck kiss," he said to you.

"you're such a dork," you laughed at him.

"i know," he cheekily smiled at you. "i love you."

"i love you, too."

"i love myself, too."

"really, lucas?"

"what? it's true."

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