hendery - subway

873 36 1

word count : 658


you quickly scanned your card and the gates allowed you in. you hurried to the subway platform you needed to get to and started running when you heard a subway train.

you made it to the platform and saw people boarding the train you take. you got onto the packed train and found yourself standing in front of occupied benches.

a wave of relief washed over you since you didn't miss the train. you had gotten out of work late, so you were afraid that you had missed the train home.

"miss, would you like to sit down?" a guy asked you.

"oh, it's okay. i don't mind standing," you replied to him.

"no, take my spot," the guy insisted and stood up.

you smiled at him, "thanks." you sat down in his spot. the guy stood in front of you and checked the time on his phone.

the doors closed and the subway started moving onto its next stop for the evening. once the subway reached the next stop, an announcement came on. however, the subway came to an abrupt stop causing people to move. the guy in front of you almost toppled onto you due to the people around him accidentally bumping around.

"s-sorry," the guy apologized and stood up straight, grabbing onto the pole next to you. the train started moving again.

"it's alright," you replied to him. "are you okay?" you asked.

he nodded, "yea." he put his other hand in his coat pocket, "where you headed?" he asked.

"home. i was worried that i wouldn't get off of work on time and thought i'd miss it," you answered. "you?"

"i'm going home, too," he replied.

after making small talk for a bit longer, the two of you stopped talking. the ride continued for a bit until you heard the announcement that the next stop would be your stop. once the subway came to a stop, you stood up with your tote bag in hand.

"have a nice night," hendery, the guy you had talked to, said to you.

"have a nice night," you smiled at him before leaving the subway.

you looked at the time on your watch as you headed towards the exit and saw that it was around seven.

guess i could go buy some groceries. oh, i could—

"y/n!" you heard your name being yelled. you turned around and saw hendery running towards you. he stopped in front of you and put his hands on his knees, breathing heavily.

"hendery? you said that this isn't your stop," you said to him as he huffed.

"it isn't," he confirmed and stood up straight. he reached in his pocket and took out something, handing it to you.

"my wallet!" you said as you took him into your hands.

"it was on the bench. the person next to you said it wasn't hers, so i checked and saw your id. it probably fell out when you sat down," he said. "the subway doors almost squished me when i ran out of there," he added while laughing.

"oh my gosh, thank you so much," you said and slightly bowed.

"no worries," he said to you and smiled. then, he sighed while looking around, realizing that another train that was on the same route wasn't coming for roughly twenty minutes, "guess i gotta wait a bit."

"i could drive you," you offered. "i don't live too far away," you added. "i don't drive everyday," you explained.

"you sure?" he asked.

you nodded, "yea. come on." both of you started walking towards the exit for the station.

as you walked outside, your stomach started grumbling. you and hendery laughed.

"um...do you mind if we grab a snack or something?" you asked him.

then, his stomach growled, making you two laugh again.

"how about i treat us to dinner?" he asked.

"sounds good to me," you said and both of you started walking again.

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