kun - shopping

1K 37 1

word count : 563


"i got ice cream!" you exclaimed as you ran up to kun with three pints of ice cream in your arms. you dumped them in the cart with the items that kun had already gotten.

"we don't need that much ice cream," kun said to you. "just get one pint. get the mint chocolate one," he said while grabbing some vegetables.

"but i want all three."

kun looked over his shoulder at you, "y/n, these aren't even our groceries. they're for the dorm."

"but i basically live there, so therefore these are our groceries," you replied, making kun sigh.

he finally gave in, "you can get them back later. you don't want them melting before we check out," he said to you.

you smiled and took the ice creams back. you placed them back into a freezer and went back to kun, who was still in the produce section.

"how much do you need to buy?" you asked him.

as he tied a bag of produce, "enough to feed six kids," he answer. then he looked at you before looking back at the produce, "seven kids."

"hey...i'm not that bad..."

"that is true. you're not that bad, but your not that good either," kun said to you, making you pout. "what do you want for dinner?" he asked and grabbed your hand, pushing the cart with his other hand.

"i dunno," you replied. "i'll eat anything," you replied. "want me to grab anything?" you asked him.

"no, it's alright. let's just go around together. we're not in a rush," he said to you. "lucas, winwin, and xiaojun are probably still working, and the others are probably practicing."

"shouldn't you have work or practice?" you asked him.

"i've been producing stuff, nothing special at the moment," he replied and grabbed a plastic bag. he let go of your hand and started putting onions in the bag. "here," he said and handed the bag to you while grabbing another bag.

you tied the bag up and placed it in the cart. kun gave you another bag with produce and you repeated the process of tying the bag and placing it in the cart.

"do you need anything?" kun asked after browsing around the produce section.

you shook your head, "nope."

"okay, let's go. want to push the cart?" he asked you. you nodded with a hum. kun started walking ahead of you, but you decided to run past him and put your feet on a bar beneath the cart. however, the cart suddenly tipped backwards. "y/n!"

you fell onto the ground with the cart tipped over. kun (being the parent his is) ran over to check on you. customers were definitely wondering what was up with you.

"are you okay?" he asked. "does anything hurt?"

"my dignity," you answered in pain, "and my back." kun helped you up from the ground.

he sighed and tipped the cart back up. both of you picked up some groceries that had fallen out of the cart.

"how about you sit in the cart, so this doesn't happen again?" kun suggested.

"ooh, i like that idea," you said and immediately climbed into the cart, sitting next to the produce kun had collected. he started pushing the cart, "can we get more pints of ice cream?" you asked him.

he sighed again but smiled at you, "sure."

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