Part 202

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Zhang Zhehan stared in dismay at his mother's stooped back. It seemed like she had aged decades overnight.

Mama Zhang sighed heavily, wiped her tears and shuffled to her room.

"Xiaoyu....." Zhang Zhehan turned to his friend, his almond-shaped eyes wide with worry. "What happened today?"

Xiaoyu sat down and and covered his face. "Auntie is at her mental limit. Today she talked about killing herself to prove your innocence."

"What! Why didn't you tell me!"

"We are telling you now, aren't we?" Susu cradled his hands around his cup to warm his hands up. "She may have said it in a moment of frustration, but regardless, we cannot take it lightly. We cannot dismiss any suicide threats."

"It's a delicate situation, Zhehan." Xiaoyu added. "She is extremely upset. More so than before. We need to be vigilant around her, make sure she doesn't do anything silly."

"I'll....I'll sleep in her room from now on, just to make sure." Zhang Zhehan was aghast.

Susu nodded. "That's a good idea."

Zhang Zhehan looked at Xiaoyu. "Tell me what happened at the shop today."

Xiaoyu described the harassment phone calls, the funeral wreaths, and random strangers shouting at her on the street. It may have become the norm now, but to hear the abuse and insults on an daily basis will definitely have an impact even on the strongest persons.

It is not as if they hadn't made a police report; Zhang Zhehan and his mother had gone to the police station more than once, but have always been turned away. The reason was that the police were afraid of the cyberviolence and public sentiment.

That may have been the last straw which cracked his mother's back. As a Party member for decades, she couldn't believe that the country she so loved, the Party she loyally served, would turn its back so cruelly on her son, stripping him of his legal rights on account of a touristy photo. 

Imagine the police, whose duty was to protect its citizens, being afraid of cyberviolence! 

What a slap to the face this was. The police, the first line of justice, unwilling to protect an innocent citizen. 

There even was a confirmation from the NRTA that they had not banned Zhang Zhehan, nor instructed the removal of his works from the platforms. But did it help him? No.

Even in the face of this evidence her son was unable to seek redress as an ordinary citizen, to right the wrong which had be done to him

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Even in the face of this evidence her son was unable to seek redress as an ordinary citizen, to right the wrong which had be done to him.

In this day and age, in this era of their glorious country, the police were afraid to take a case because of public sentiment.

At that very moment all her principles and ideals have been turned on its head and her heart turned cold. The decades which she had lovingly devoted to raising her son into a patriotic citizen which the country had been so proud of, was suddenly made into a fugitive with no legal rights. 

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