Part 309

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The next morning, Yang Yang's alarm rang again at the crack of dawn. This time, it wasn't raining and he pulled a protesting Zhang Zhehan out of bed. 

"If you want to have a morning cardio session I'm more than happy to indulge you." Zhang Zhehan grouched and thrust his erection into Yang Yang's pert buttocks. "But why jogging? And didn't you already go to the gym last night?"

"I much prefer going outdoors." Yang Yang replied. "I like hearing the sound of the wind. And at this time there aren't many people around either."

"But why do I have to go?"

Yang Yang threw him a winning smile and said," Please? We used to keep fit together. I want us to spend quality time like this, keeping healthy."

Zhang Zhehan gave an inward sigh; he could never say no to Yang Yang and this was one of the moments.

He laced up his trainers, and the pair headed out of the door.

Yang Yang took him on his usual 5km route along the waterfront. The morning air was warm but fresh, not yet tainted by the exhaust fumes of hundreds of cars. The wind blew in from the sea, whistling in his ear, and carrying away with it any of his worries. 

At first they kept pace together, listening to the familiar panting of the other. But Zhang Zhehan slowly fell behind, his months of slacking off finally catching up to him. He gazed at the straight back and long legs of his boyfriend as Yang Yang went on ahead, until he was reduced to a speck in the distance. 

When Zhang Zhehan finally caught up to him, Yang Yang was already finishing the last of his stretches

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When Zhang Zhehan finally caught up to him, Yang Yang was already finishing the last of his stretches.

"You've slowed down, Zhehan."

Zhang Zhehan frowned and panted heavily, trying to catch his breath. "You know I've been busy working."

Yang Yang bit his lip and turned away, lapsing into silence.

Annoyed, Zhang Zhehan walked to the front of him and stared into his face. "What is it? If you have something to say, then come out and say it. You've been acting strange since last night."


Zhang Zhehan felt his racing heart seemingly accelerate with anger at that passive-aggressive answer. He really hated it when people weren't direct with him.

"What is it, Yang?"

Yang Yang shook his head and threw him a bright smile, but Zhang Zhehan wasn't fooled.

"Tell me."

"Ahh..." Yang Yang made a show of checking the time. "If I manage to finish work early today, shall we go to the gym?"

Zhang Zhehan grabbed his wrist in a crushing grip and Yang Yang winced in pain.

"I'm not joking around, Yang."

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