Part 207

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Gong Jun looked up at her in indignation. "Of course I know he has to take on a job, it's just that...." I don't know why I can't accept this. 

He had so eagerly looked forward to the next few months in Shanghai; everyday he had imagined what it would be like to come home to a warm house filled with love and affection.

It wasn't as if his studio staff did not love and care for him, but it was different coming from a boyfriend. 

He felt led on. Of course he knew that Xu Feng had every right to work. But he had been naive enough to think that Xu Feng would take on commercial shoots which would keep him in Shanghai most of the time. And he had been naive enough to assume that he mattered that much to Xu Feng.

"What did he say exactly?" Dilraba asked.

Gong Jun viciously speared his vegetables. "He said that he did ask me before if the only reason I took the drama was because it was filmed in Shanghai."

"Well, was it? You said that the role as an investor was something you never tried before, and that the cast was amazing." Dilraba remembered them talking about this.

"Yes I did say that." Gong Jun admitted. "The deciding factor was the filming location."

"Then let me ask you this." Dilraba leaned back in her chair. "Was this a loss for you to take this drama since you liked the script?"

"No." Gong Jun replied.

"So you would have gone anywhere to film it. Shanghai is just a bonus."

"I...." Gong Jun knew that she was on to something. 

"A bonus is not an entitlement, Junjun. You don't lose anything by taking <Rising with the Wind>. You just gained a little less."

Gong Jun pushed his meat in the sauce before eating it. "But he could have told me about this beforehand. Who am I to him? Why did he keep quiet before this? This is the part I am mad about."

Dilraba nodded in sympathy. That was totally not cool of Gong Jun's boyfriend. She really would have liked to smack him, no matter how tall he was. She had to stand up for her pack if they were being bullied.

"So what did he say about this?"

"There's nothing more to explain, so I didn't hang around." Gong Jun stubbornly said as he chewed on the meat. Damn it, this steak was so tough, even his food was going against him.

Dilraba understood his situation. On the surface it did seem like his boyfriend had intentionally withheld critical information, and caused this majorly disappointing outcome. However, after hearing how this same boyfriend had driven 4 hours back and forth on his vacation day to visit Gong Jun at Hengdian, it didn't seem like he took Gong Jun lightly. So this was out of character. 

But then again she didn't not know who this boyfriend was, and she did not hear the version of events from the boyfriend. In her vast experience in handling other people's relationships, she knew that there were always three versions of the event - party A's story, party B's story, and what actually happened.

In any case, she heard only Gong Jun's side of the story, and even Gong Jun didn't want to hear Xu Feng's explanation. She sighed; she knew there was nothing much she could do now when Gong Jun was still fuming mad.

"So you haven't spoken to him since?" Dilraba asked. 

"Yeah, I blocked all his calls and texts." Gong Jun answered as he speared the next morsel of food. 

"When do you intend to stay angry until?" 

Gong Jun shrugged. He really didn't know. He had been terribly disappointed with the turn of events. Imagine looking forward to a blissful life for the next few months, only to have it yanked suddenly from under his feet. It was like a stab in his heart.

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