Part 209

140 10 17

Gong Jun nervously peeped at the handsome man sitting at the end of the tent, chatting with his studio team. He looked on in awe as he suddenly smiled, shattering his cold and unapproachable facade in a split second. 

This is the the image he aspired to; a cold elegant male god

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This is the the image he aspired to; a cold elegant male god. And he was seeing it in the flesh. 

Yang yang looked so different from last night, when his hair was unstyled and his fringe was down flat. He had looked so young and boyish and unthreatening.

But now, fully styled, his icy beauty was stunning. His features were perfect and it was no wonder tha Rocco wanted him to open the third and final red carpet walk of the evening. Gong Jun felt slightly inferior, his usual exuberance dampened. But nevertheless he still needed boost himself up and put on a good show. 

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he wiped his damp hands on his trousers and walked over to say hi. 

"Hi Yang laoshi, it is nice to see you again." 

Yang Yang looked up at him and smiled. "Hi Gong-laoshi. We didn't chat much yesterday but please, sit down."

His staff dispersed to give the two men room to chat.

"How is Zhang-laoshi doing?"

Yang Yang sighed. "Not too well." He gave Gong Jun a quick summary of the terrible things which went down since Zhang Zhehan went back to Jiangxi. 

As Gong Jun listened, his eyes widened in horrified shock. For a dreadful moment he regretted asking about Zhang Zhehan right before he was due to be out on the red carpet. How was he supposed to look pretty when someone he cared about was going through such a horrible time?

Wreaths, obituary pictures, verbal abuse, harassment, suicide thoughts....all of this happening to Zhang Zhehan and his mother. Gong Jun's hands trembled, no longer with anxiety, but with inept anger and sadness.

Yang Yang understood his feelings completely. There, in a tropical paradise, two strangers soundlessly commiserated with the other over the tragedy which had befallen someone they both deeply cared about.

They sat together in a wordless bubble, looking glum, worlds apart from the booming bass of the music, and the lively chatter of the staff around them.

"Yang-laoshi....." Gong Jun finally asked. "Is there really nothing we can do? Who is behind this?"

Shaking his head in resignation, Yang Yang said sadly. "I have asked myself this a million times. I even asked my CEO, but he doesn't know, or is too afraid to get involved."

He glanced up at the people hovering curiously around, wondering why two handsome men are talking together so seriously without a hint of a smile.

"Smile, Gong laoshi, or rumors will start flying that we are having a fight."

Gong Jun looked up with a start, his eyes innocently wide, and a practised smile flashed brilliantly on his face.

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