Part 326

44 2 6

29 November 2023, Yunnan. 

Gong Jun opened his eyes and stretched lazily. It was such a wonderful feeling to be on vacation; waking up when he wanted to, and not having to memorize scripts. His skin and hair could finally  breathe, without layers of makeup and heavy wigs. He reached for his phone and looked at the deluge of birthday messages.

They were from his manager, his studio staff, his agency bosses, other industry people, friends from school.

He scrolled until he reached the one chat which he cared most about. 

"My dearest Yao-Er. Happy birthday and may all your wishes come true."

Gong Jun's face lit up in a happy grin as he rapidly typed back. "Thank you Feng-ge. Then I wish that I can see you soon. Make that come true."

He knew that it would happen real soon. Right after wrapping up <Fox Spirit Matchmaker> , Gong Jun swiftly completed his brand commitments, and whisked his parents to Yunnan. 

There, they enjoyed the slow pace of the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The fresh air, pleasant temperature and extraordinary scenery invigorated the little family. They spent time bonding on activities like sightseeing and hiking. His parents ran a small business in Chengdu, and he was so busy with his career, so they barely saw one another. 

Gong Jun felt extremely bad about that. Every time he saw his parents they seem to have aged a bit. Yes, he was earning enough to be able to buy them the best health supplements, but it was different. In the past they were preoccupied with their business and had no time for him.

Now, he was busy with his career, and had no time for them.

Life is short, and the passing of his grandfather several years affected him greatly. 

Now that he had become successful, he could afford to break this vicious cycle. There was nothing wrong with slowing down and to spend time with family and loved ones. In fact, he had to do it before any more time got lost, and only regrets were left. 

Gong Jun rolled out of bed, washed up and walked out of his room in the rented villa. 

"My son, happy birthday!" Gong Jun's mother beamed as she approached with a red packet in her hands. She pressed it into his hands, and brought him to the table. "Here, have birthday noodles for breakfast. Dad made these."

"Dad, you're on holiday, you shouldn't be cooking." Gong Jun protested.

His father was already seated at the table, drinking his morning coffee. "How many times do I get to see my only son on his birthday? Of course I should make his noodles personally!"

Gong Jun grinned like a kid. That was the truth, and he was glad that this year he was able to spend his birthday with his parents. It made everything so worth it. 

He dipped his head to slurp the fragrant broth. "This is so yummy!"

His mother slid into the seat next to him. "Right? Hopefully next year we can do this again. But bring a girl back with you."

Gong Jun had just taken a big bite of noodles but choked on them immediately. He coughed violently, spewing little bits of noodles on the bowl.

"Son, are you all right?" His mother was taken aback and went to pat his back in a hurry. "Aiya it's just a suggestion. Quick, have some water."

Gong Jun drank his water, trying to calm his heaving chest. 

His father sighed and set his cup down. "Why are you surprised? You're already 30. It's about time you get married and start a family!" 

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