Part 290

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Zhang Zhehan lapsed into silence once again, seriously considering what Gong Jun just said, against the image of Xu Feng in his mind. Recalling the towering figure of the supermodel oozing ominance from every pore, with his chiseled face and awesomely ripped physique, Zhang Zhehan's lips stretched into a wry smile.

 Recalling the towering figure of the supermodel oozing ominance from every pore, with his chiseled face and awesomely ripped physique, Zhang Zhehan's lips stretched into a wry smile

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Finally he clapped Gong Jun on the shoulder and genially said.

"Young man, it's good to have dreams."

"It's not just a dream, I want to make it a reality." Gong Jun answered stubbornly, his jaw set firmly under his mask.

This time Zhang Zhehan couldn't help but laugh out loud as he looked at a flock of birds flying over the river. "You need to set achievable targets for yourself, Junjun."

"Han-ge, I was expecting you to be supportive!" Gong Jun protested. "This is important to me!"

"Okay okay, sorry." Zhang Zhehan reined in his maniacal laughter. "I wish you success, but what does this have to do with me?"

Gong Jun's fingers tightened over the railing as he fought to keep his embarrassment down. "This ....uh....."

Zhang Zhehan knew that although Gong Jun was unafraid of losing face in front of an audience, he was extremely reticent when it came to his private life. So Zhang Zhehan patiently let him take his time about it. It was already a big step for him to overcome his mental block to approach Zhang Zhehan.

"Well...uh....I want to know how Yang laoshi convinced you to bottom."


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"Hmm...." Zhang Zhehan tried to recall how it started. "He asked me directly, right from the beginning. So I already knew that his intention was there, and there were no subsequently surprises. Of course, he spent a lot of time coaxing and convincing me, until I eventually gave in." He winked cheekily at Gong Jun. "You know the rest."

He glanced at Gong Jun who listened intently while staring sullenly out over the river. "Why don't you ask him directly? Between two men, there is no need to beat around the bush."

"I already asked him." Gong Jun replied. He said that he would think about it."

"Huh?" Zhang Zhehan was genuinely surprised. Based on his understanding of Xu Feng and his alpha-ness, he was taken aback that Xu Feng would actually consider this. After all, nobody, absolutely no one, would expect this almost 2metre-tall muscle-bound giant to bottom. "Are you sure? He didn't say no?"

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