Part 230

121 11 7

The next morning, Yang Yang stirred in his sleep. He opened his eyes blearily, trying to focus and recall where he was. 

"Mmm..." he heard a muffled sound next to him, and a heavy leg pressed down on him. Next, he felt a hard cock thrust against his hips.

"Yang, are you awake? I am...."

Yang Yang turned and looked into his lover's pretty double-lidded eyes staring from above the blanket. His tall thin nose was obscured by the sheets.

Chuckling softly, Yang Yang slipped his arms around Zhang Zhehan's neck, pulling him down for their morning quickie. 

They had to keep it very quiet as  Mama Zhang could be heard bustling away in the kitchen outside, preparing breakfast.

Finally, they both gasped hoarsely into each other's mouth as they reached climax one after the other.

Then they hurriedly cleaned themselves, dressed properly, and went out for breakfast.

Today's agenda was simple; Zhang Zhehan would be leaving for Beijing tomorrow, so he would be packing up his luggage. After that he would go out for lunch with Yang Yang at a restaurant owned by a friend, so they would be assured of privacy.

Following that, Zhang Zhehan would take him for the promised boat ride on Fairy Lake.

"This is a 4A national scenic spot, and rated one of the best lake views in China!" Zhang Zhehan explained. "It is called Fairy Lake because of the legend that a fairy descended from Heaven and fell in love with a local man."

The local man-turned-tour guide continued," This area is dedicated to love, so many couples come here to get married. Look, there even is a wedding hall!"

Yang Yang listened with rapt attention; he was taken with how enthusistic Zhang Zhehan was in describing the local attractions

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Yang Yang listened with rapt attention; he was taken with how enthusistic Zhang Zhehan was in describing the local attractions. It has been a long time since he saw Zhang Zhehan so animated about anything. It lifted his own spirits to see his boyfriend finally step back out in the light.

They took a boat ride out on to the glassy waters. The lake was dotted with hundreds of tiny islands. The boatman took over the commentary duties, pointing out the unique sights to the passengers.

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