Part 272

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Xu Feng smoothed down his hair before he strode out of the arrivals gate in the Qingdao airport. Towering high above his fellow passengers, he spotted the sign towards the taxi queue and strode towards it, his long legs leaving the crowd behind.

Stepping out of the airport, the freezing wind hit him in the face immediately. Being further up north from Shanghai, Qingdao was about 5 degrees celsius colder. Xu Feng wrapped his scarf around his face securely and went to get a cab to the hotel.

He had gotten himself a room at the same hotel at Gong Jun. It would be easier for them to spend time with one another, and it was more convenient for him to leave in the morning. 

Xu Feng peered out of the taxi's window at the strange city. Gong Jun was right; the colonial European architecture made Qingdao feel foreign, but the street signs in Chinese reined him back to reality. 

It felt like he was in some theme park. 

Nevertheless, after not having gone out of the country for almost 2 years, Xu Feng eagerly embraced the "I'm-in-a-foreign-land" fantasy.

The taxi driver noticed his palpable curiosity and helpfully pointed out the landmarks as they drove along. 

Soon the they passed the historic quarter and drove into the business district. Among the glassy skyscrapers and malls, a strikingly handsome man held up the Tsingtao White Beer on one of the ubiquitous LED advertisement screens which flooded all modern Chinese cities.

Xu Feng recognised Yang Yang and sighed in appreciation; what a perfect example of a classically handsome man. Beauty was like art; they both were subjective. A man who was handsome to someone may not be handsome to another. 

But even if one was not a fan of Yang Yang, everyone would wholeheartedly agree that he was undeniably handsome. 

Xu Feng thought about Yang Yang's boyfriend, that Zhang Zhehan. He hasn't had the chance to meet again with Zhang Zhehan, despite their few phone conversations. Now that the Gong Jun saga was behind them, he had a feeling that they would actually get along pretty well.

He had unfortunately missed the the meeting between Gong Jun, Zhang Zhehan and Yang Yang because he was still stuck in Hengdian, but hopefully all four of them would be able to meet up. 

The cab pulled up to the luxury hotel covered by a vast expanse of shining glass. The driver whistled. "This is a nice place." 

Xu Feng smiled but said nothing. The hotel indeed looked very ostentatious and swanky, but his A-list lover deserved nothing less.

Quickly, he checked into the hotel, deposited his luggage in his room, and went to hit the indoor pool. On a weekday afternoon the pool was deserted, so he thoroughly enjoyed the peace and serenity. There was something comforting about being in the water; it was the feeling of floating and weightlessness, as well as the pure silence whenever he submerged. It was like being in a different world.

 It was like being in a different world

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