Part 332

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Xu Feng sighed heavily and pressed his head against the cold window pane.

It was 12 February, his birthday, and although Gong Jun was on the line to wish him a happy birthday, he had heard some bad news about Zhang Zhehan.

They had hung out in Shenzhen last year and got along pretty well. They had kept in touch on and off, and he knew that Zhang Zhehan had made a stunning comeback with his music, and was about to launch his brand's fashion show a couple of days later.

But now Gong Jun said that it had been suddenly cancelled after being mass reported by antis, and the concert venue caved in to public pressure.

"I don't know the details, Feng-ge." Gong Jun said over the phone. "Han-ge's message was quite short, but he said he was used to it."

Xu Feng shook his head sadly.  Zhang Zhehan had mentioned before that his antis were still out there and objecting to everything that he does, as if he had no right to make a living and should have dropped dead ages ago. They were still repeating the same stupid lies that he was a traitor to the nation, despite not being proven guilty by any court of law.

Despite his music success, the antis had doubled down and said that it counted for nothing, since it did not happen in mainland China.

Well, no sane person would bother keeping up with their mental gymnastics. But the fact that they were able to get a small fashion show cancelled, showed that they were still out there.

It was outrageously unjust, and Xu Feng felt angry that this was happening.

"Did Zhehan say anything else?" Xu Feng asked, genuinely concerned over his well-being.

"Nothing, but I hope his ski trip will help take his mind off things." Gong Jun replied. "Anyway Feng-ge, I'm sorry that these bad news spoil your special day today."

"It's fine, it's not spoiled at all." Xu Feng assured his beautiful boy. "I'm talking to you right now, and that's makes it even more special."

Gong Jun giggled with happiness. Despite his grand promise to himself to take a break, his schedule was still packed. He was unable to spend Xu Feng's birthday with him, but instead shipped over a box full of expensive presents.

Well, at least he managed to spend 1 week with Xu Feng at the beginning of the year. Xu Feng had been filming in Jiangsu province, and Gong Jun spent a few secretive, but blissful days visiting him.

"Are you going to celebrate your birthday later?" Gong Jun asked in curiosity.

Xu Feng shook his head. "I've got nothing planned since you're not here with me. But I'll do my usual birthday livestream."

Gong Jun sighed apologetically. He was going to bring his studio staff to Thailand for a well-deserved, all-expense paid vacation. Everyone was looking forward to going out of the country for the first time in years, himself included. Of course, he would have liked it better if Xu Feng went along too.

No matter, he had plenty of time now. They had already made plans to spend more time together once Xu Feng wraps up this drama.

Later that evening, Gong Jun selected a selfie of himself covered in cream, and cheekily uploaded it on Weibo. It was suggestive, and Gong Jun knew that it would trigger all kinds of naughty thoughts in the birthday boy.

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