Part 299

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The sweltering summer sun was unforgiving. 

The sweat dripped into his eyes, and Gong Jun blinked hard, trying to clear his vision. He tugged at the wide-rimmed hat in a vain attempt to provide more shade for himself. 

I regret everything

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I regret everything. He muttered dourly to himself. All those words about enjoying this tropical paradise, I take it all back.

Hainan, China's southern tropical province and famous for its beaches and resort vibe, was definitely best enjoyed when you are on a real vacation.

And not when you had to film a variety show, with physical challenges, solving puzzles and hours of running around in the intense heat. 

The sea, the sand and sun looked great when he was chilling on the balcony during his quarantine

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The sea, the sand and sun looked great when he was chilling on the balcony during his quarantine. Of course, he had been sitting in the shade with a cold drink in hand.

But now, in the thick of this brutal, unforgiving heat, he truly regretted his naive thinking.

Gong Jun, in the future, just film an e-sports variety show in summer, and these sporty shows in the winter. He swore to himself.

"Ge, here have some cold water." A chirpy voice floated over to him and a icy cold bottle of mineral water was offered to him. 

Gong Jun glanced down and into the bright eyes of Yang Chaoyue, one of his co-stars on the variety show. He perked up immediately, feeling his mood lift. 


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