Part 222

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Zhang Zhehan went through a complete change in mood.

Encouraged by Director Li, Zhang Zhehan regained his fighting spirit. Most importantly, his mother's frame of mind too had improved. She no longer talked about jumping off a building to prove her son's innocence. Her usual joie de vivre returned.

It was as if it had finally stopped raining after a long while, and the rays of sunlight could been seen from behind the clouds.

Zhang Zhehan looked at her smiling as she teased Kele wth a feather The silvery fluffball was so cute, and cheered his mother up at the tea shop.  He appreciated the little cat's presence whenever a funeral wreath or a harassment call arrived; Kele's sweet innocent face distracted her from the dismay and hurt she had felt.

He had not seen her smile so genuinely in months. Even though Yang Yang's impromptu visit had also been a welcome distraction, her smiles still carried a hint of her troubles.

But now he could see her laugh unreservedly at the playful antics of her cat.

But now he could see her laugh unreservedly at the playful antics of her cat

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After months, Zhang Zhehan took his first step out of his house. Although it was only to the tea shop, it was as if he had been released from confinement.

He had never been so happy to fill his lungs with the fumes of trucks and cars which sped past him on the street. Even the stench wafting out of a garbage bin carried feelings of nostalgia.

Meanwhile, the antis did not stop their harassment.

They also attacked Director Li; accusing him of whitewashing Zhang Zhehan, and many other nasty things.

Director Li was unfazed and unafraid. He had already warned Zhang Zhehan that this would happen, and he must not be intimidated.

Director Li explained that these antis were an organised bunch. They had to make sure that he stayed cancelled for 6 months to a year before they got their final payment.

It was a professional black industry, and these people exhibited excellent after-sales services. Despite the rising public awareness, these people not only refused to throw in the towel, but even doubled down.

This was to be expected, Director Li said. They were cornered animals and were faced with jail time if they were caught. They had received illicit money from their paymasters and deliberately spread falsehoods to manipulate the gullible netizens. 

At this critical juncture, they had everything to lose if they gave up now. So they pulled out all the stops to attack Li Xue Zheng and Zhang Zhehan.

Director Li welcomed these attacks. The more they attacked him, the more evidence was available for him and his legal team to build a case. His vast network of industry people, even those within the cursed CAPA, provided him with insider information.

The more he dug, the more worms he found. It was a conflicting situation; he was at the same time enlightened yet disillusioned. He had no idea that the CAPA was so corrupt and dirty, and considered itself above the law when the NRTA was already reining it in. One of the high-ranking officeholders was an executive of a livestreaming company which was fined for producing pornographic content, and yet they had the cheek to issue blacklists of "wrongdoers" who lacked in morals.

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