Part 323 - NSFW

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Several days later, Zhang Zhehan carefully arranged the expensive cuts of beef on to the plate and eyed his handiwork.

It wasn't the most artistic but it would have to do. After all, he used regular plain plates in his apartment, unlike the fancy Wedgewood dining set in Yang Yang's Beijing apartment.

Anyway, there was no way could beat the exquisite plating at Yang Yang's Guerlain dinner tonight. When not socialising, Yang Yang had spent most of the evening texting him.

Yang Yang had already finished up his fireman drama in Ningbo but went straight into filming the war movie in Hengyang

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Yang Yang had already finished up his fireman drama in Ningbo but went straight into filming the war movie in Hengyang. But now being autumn, he had to push products and do brand events in Shanghai, especially since it was during the run-up to the annual 11 November shopping festival.

This worked out well for them, because Zhang Zhehan had plenty of stuff to do in Shanghai. He had to meet with his designers to kickstart the spring/summer collections of Ehzz. He had plenty of ideas and wanted to transform them into functional pieces of clothing without overwhelming the look.

He put the meat back into the fridge and checked the time; almost 10pm. Yang Yang's fancy dinner should be winding down soon.

Zhang Zhehan wished that Yang Yang would hurry up; they were about to finally see one another after months apart, yet didn't have a lot of time together, and there was so much he wanted to show Yang Yang.

Suddenly his phone beeped with a message. It was from Yang Yang telling him that he had just finished up his event and was heading over to his apartment!

Zhang Zhehan yelped with surprise. He hurriedly stripped off his teeshirt and ran into the shower for a quick wash. Then he put on deodorant and fresh clothes and gargled with mouthwash. Looking into the mirror, he carefully drew in his eyebrows and styled his hair so that he would look presentable for his boyfriend.

 Looking into the mirror, he carefully drew in his eyebrows and styled his hair so that he would look presentable for his boyfriend

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Then he went back out and took the meat and vegetables out from the fridge and went to work placing them neatly around the table.

There was a beeping at the door, and he quickly turned around, his heart beating with anticipation.

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