Part 343

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10 May 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.

It was the first of Zhang Zhehan's comeback concerts, and the day before his birthday.

It was the first of Zhang Zhehan's comeback concerts, and the day before his birthday

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The spotlights were scorching bright, but Zhang Zhehan's smile was brighter. He walked to the edge of the stage, where his mother was seated. Through the sea of faces, he tried hard to search for the face he knew and loved so well.

The cameraman somehow knew who he was searching for, and the next moment, Mama Zhang's face flickered on to the giant screens. 

A resounding roar almost lifted the roof from its rafters. Zhang Zhehan looked at her with affection and started to pay tribute to her. 

Here he was again, on the stage and in the spotlight. It was a strange feeling to feel the heat of those lights on his face, and that a sea of thousands focused their attention on him. 

If he could, he would like to thank every single one of the people in the auditorium tonight. He could see so many of them wearing EhzZ, a sign of their enduring support for him. 

He wouldn't be here tonight without them; he wouldn't be here with his mother seated in the front rows, or with Xiaoyu standing at the side. All of them in the auditorium, they were so proud of him, and they all believed in him.

Zhang Zhehan could feel his tears well up. He loved everyone of them so much.

He punched the air in triumph. He was back, and it felt so good. This was only the first of many concerts, and he planned to go to more countries in Asia.

 This was only the first of many concerts, and he planned to go to more countries in Asia

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Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia....these were all in his plans for the year. 

He grinned into the darkness and shouted. "See you tomorrow!"

An hour later, Zhang Zhehan wiped the sweat from his brow and peered closely at what the vendor was preparing.

He had gone to one of the famous night markets for a celebratory dinner. However, the high of the successful concert was rapidly being eroded by the sweltering weather. The press of the crowd coupled with the heat from the flames at the vendors' stalls made the experience rather uncomfortable.

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