Part 205

140 11 32

Yang Yang stepped outside his balcony and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the balmy sea breeze.

He looked at the rows of coconut trees lined up below him, and was filled with an urge to have fresh coconut drink. Why not, this is a must when you are in a tropical paradise.

The sound of the surf filled the air. Everything reminded him of the time he spent with Zhang Zhehan here. They first holidayed in Hainan, first got together, first made love. He wished they could turn back the clock to that idyllic night in June.

How they walked along the sandy beach, how they looked up at the cloudless sky speckled with stars, how the night breeze rustled their hair as they cuddled in the pool.

When all this is over, we will come back here again, Zhehan.

But when will that be? And will it ever be over?

Just then his phone rang. Yang Yang looked at the screen and accepted the video call.

"Good morning baby. I guess your mom just left?"

Zhang Zhehan smiled at him. "Yes, she went to the market with Xiaoyu."

"Come, I'll show you this view."

Yang Yang showed him around the balcony and the room. "We're put up at the event location itself, Raffles Hainan. It's a very nice place, we should come here together next time."

Zhang Zhehan smiled at him but said nothing. Of course he would like that too, but from the looks of it, it would have happen in the next life.

It was just as if their trip together here had happened in a past life, when it was not half a year ago.

"How's the program like?"

"I'll do all my photo shoots today. There are a few themes and locations. Then I'll take it easy tomorrow and get a massage before the event."

"Sounds good. It's been in a while since I got a massage."

"I'll massage you when I go over to Jiangxi."

"Oh?" Zhang Zhehan's interest was piqued. "Does it come with special service?" He asked lasciviously.

Yang Yang licked his lips. "And a happy ending."

"I want a preview now."

Glancing at the time, Yang Yang made a quick calculation. He could spare 15 minutes for video sex before he had to go for breakfast.

They quickly rubbed one out before Yang Yang had to go and start his day. He wanted to start early before the celebrity horde descended and he has to queue for photo spots.

He had a leisurely breakfast with his team, and they waved to the various industry people who slowly streamed in.

Since this was a private hotel the security was tight and the paparazzi had been kept out. Everyone was relaxed and it really felt like they were on a real vacation.

This was the intended vibe of the event anyway. Rocco Liu, the influential boss of GQ did not want a stuffy red carpet event. Instead of the glitzy cities, he opted for a relaxed resort theme where the guests could feel like they were on holiday.

And they did. The guests were glad to be out of their winter clothes and were dressed lightly.

The team finished up their breakfast and started the day.

Yang Yang walked around the resort and duly posed for pictures. Here, in the sunshine, he remembered how blissful those two days back in June was. He plucked a white frangipani flower and gently caressed it, feeling the soft buttery petals on his fingertips. He remembered how happy Zhang Zhehan had looked when he gathered up the frangipani flowers in his hands. How those pretty almond eyes had crinkled up as he tossed them in the air and asked Yang Yang to take his pictures.

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