Part 241

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It was past midnight when Zhang Zhehan entered his birthday numbers into the keypad and let himself in.

Yang Yang immediately leapt up from the sofa and came towards him, his eyes shining with curiousity. "How did it go?"

Zhang Zhehan nodded and smiled. "It feels good to finally be heard. Even though they told me they won't be publishing until there is more certainty, I still feel relieved."

Yang Yang gathered him into his arms for a hug. He could still feel the chill of the sub-zero temperature lingering on his jacket. "That's great Zhehan, that's really wonderful."

The two lovers cuddled in the doorway, quietly celebrating this small success. They haven't won any battles yet, but at least they now have more allies. 

"What else did Director Li say?" Yang Yang asked.

Zhang Zhehan smiled at him. "He said to enjoy this ski trip, and leave the investigative work to the legal professionals. He is happy that I am going away to relax myself, but reminded me to continue to lay low."

He looked pointedly at Yang Yang. "You said that your studio staff will be there. Will there be a problem?"

He considered this extremely sensitive situation. Studio staff were supposed to be in the artiste's trusted inner circle, and would be one of the first to know if the artiste is dating anyone. But Yang Yang was not one of those typical celebrities who had studios for years, so he was used to doing things himself, and keeping his private life....private. 

So far he hasn't come out to anyone about his dating. And frankly the public was a lot more interested if they see a male and female together. That was why celebrities preferred to hang out with friends of the same gender. Even male-female platonic friends having dinner together would hit the hot search for "dating", and have to issue statements to clarify.

Usually, the celebrity's studio wouldn't bat an eye if a friend of the same gender tagged along. However Zhang Zhehan's name was infamous and still not yet officially cleared. Although everyone knew by now that he had been framed, but to throw caution to the wind and openly associate with him.....

Both of them were painfully aware that it was not the time for Zhang Zhehan to show his face. And Director Li mentioned this as well during his interview last night.

This ski trip was exactly like when Zhang Zhehan went to Hainan in the summer with his studio. Since Yang Yang would be going together with the studio, he couldn't possibly disappear once they arrived. This meant that....

"I'll order room service for the meals, and you go eat with them. We'll meet up discreetly on the ski slopes, and spend our nights together."

Yang Yang shook his head and sighed. "It's as if you are my secret lover and we are having a clandestine affair."

"We are, and you know the drill. This can't be helped." Zhang Zhehan reminded him. "That's how it is when celebrities date. When I had my girlfriends, I had to be discreet about it too. But once or twice we did get photographed by paparazzi in Hengdian,"

 But once or twice we did get photographed by paparazzi in Hengdian,"

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