Namjoon ♡ A Touch of Magic

573 33 18

Word count: 3,304

Small droplets of water landed on the withering leaves of the plant as Namjoon misted the poor thing. He hated seeing his beloved blooms dying out and always did his best to take care of them, giving any withered plants the extra TLC they needed.
His full lips were set into a concerned pout as he gently touched the sagging petals.
"You might need a little more than water." He murmured.
Taking a cursory glance around the little shop, he turned his attention to the plant before him and held his palms out as he focused. He watched through his wired spectacles as the once saggy leaves on the plant began to perk up, the blooms regaining their color as the life was brought back to it. When he lowered his hands there was a pleased smile on his face.
"There. All better."

The melodious ring of the bell chiming at the front entrance of the shop alerted Namjoon to a customer's presence.
He quickly smoothed out his beige waistcoat before proceeding to the front of the store where he spotted a woman perusing the plants. She pushed her h/c hair out of her face while squatting down to examine one of the potted flowers sitting in the window.

You stood upright, turning towards the voice that greeted you. Amongst the seeds and gardening supplies stood a man with soft-looking brown hair and thin wired spectacles perched on his nose. His attire was perfectly pristine and free of any dirt stains.
He must be a meticulous person. You thought.
Wait. Didn't he say hello to you?
"Hi." You forced out a greeting, hoping it wasn't too delayed.
He chuckled softly, flashing a smile causing small dimples to indent his cheeks.
"Can I help you find anything today?" He asked.
"Yes and no. I'm looking for a plant for my new apartment, something small and easy to take care of. I don't have a particular plant in mind so I was just looking around to see what you have, but if you've got any suggestions I'd be happy to hear them."
He hummed thoughtfully. "Normally people would go with a succulent. They require full sun and are the easiest to take care of."
"Do you have any of those in stock?"
"Of course. Follow me."
The man led you through the shop to the very back where a wooden shelf sat against the wall stocked with a variety of succulents.
"As you can see I have quite a few to choose from." He gestured. "With these, you only have to water them once a week. A good way to check if they need water is by sticking a chopstick into the dirt. If it comes out with no soil stuck to it, you need to water the plant."
You had already picked up one of the succulents, turning it around to get a look at it from all angles while the owner spoke.
"That's an interesting tip." You commented.
You set the plant back onto the shelf where you found it.
"Do you have anything else?"
"Yes. This way."

Once again, you were led through the store to a different section.
"If you're into greenery, these are good low maintenance plants." He stepped forward and picked one up. "This is a philodendron. It only needs to be watered once a week, no more than that. And it can tolerate dark corners if your apartment doesn't have many windows or get much sunlight. I also have a split-leaf philodendron if you like the look of that one."
You nodded, taking in all the information he was giving.
"A small bamboo plant for a desktop is a nice choice as well. It's pretty, minimalistic, and adds some personality to the space. If you're looking for something with blooms, an orchid is a great choice. My orchids are over there." He gestured.
"Wow. There's so much to choose from." You commented.
"Mhm. I try to keep as wide of a variety of plants as I can. That way I have something for everyone."
He stood quietly for a moment, shifting from one foot to the other while you perused the plants clustered on the table.
"Well, I'll stop talking your ear off now and let you browse." He chuckled. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask."
"Thanks..." You trailed off, not knowing how to address him.
"Namjoon." He spoke up, your silence prompting him to introduce himself. "My name is Namjoon."
"Okay. Thanks Namjoon."
He pressed his lips together in a shy smile, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose before turning around and leaving you to yourself.

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