Q&A 2023

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What's a commonly requested scene when writing one shots?
It's not a specific scene, but a concept. I received A LOT of soulmate AUs for this book. The second most requested would be arranged marriage or enemies to lovers. People seem to love those haha

Weird question BUT, what weapon would you use in a zombie apocalypse?
This is actually a very fun question! I would probably use a gun since I'd be able to shoot from far away and eliminate the threat before it got close. If I was faced with a large group of zombies I'd use grenades so I could take out the whole group or a good chunk of them in one go.

Hi Lila! What do you love the most about writing?
Gosh, there's sooo many things I love about writing. Being able to immerse myself in a story while I write is always fun, but I think what I love the most is the feedback! I love seeing how people react to my stories or specific scenes and I reallyyy love getting sweet messages from readers telling me how my writing was able to distract them during a tough time or provide them comfort or entertainment. I also love getting comments about the detail in my stories, wether that be a well-written scene or the fact that I try to write the boys as realistic as possible. I really love that people notice things like that. I love that those details are actually appreciated 🥹

Hi Lila!! What has been your favorite imagine to write so far?? Sending love <333
I have more than one! I love my Jungkook Boogeyman imagine because of how creative it was. I also love Namjoon's Asylum imagine in book 1 because of how shocking the ending was to everyone. It's not often I come up with really good plot twists like that.
Sending love back to you 🥹🖤💜

Extrovert or introvert? And do you play any instruments? ☺️💕
Introvert 😵‍💫 I have a hard time starting conversations with people. The only way I can comfortably talk to someone is if we have something in common. If I see someone with merch of something that I like (anime, rock bands, K-pop groups etc.) I'm more open to have a conversation.

I don't play any instruments, but I've always been curious to see what's it's like to play drums! 🥁 It seems like a lot of fun and I'd like to try it out at least once.

Hiii, what's the career path you want to follow? Does it include writing?
I'm actually not sure? My plan in high school was to become a cosmetologist but plans changed when I enrolled in college. (It's a long story 😅) and I ended up taking business administration instead.
As for writing, I just see that as a hobby, like drawing. With writing, I don't think I could have a career out of it because I'm more motivated to write fan fiction than I am to come up with my own characters. Let's be honest though, it would be nice to get paid to write fanfic lol. I know some writers on Tumblr charge people to write stuff but I just can't see myself doing that.
Drawing has always been my main hobby and I've always wanted to be able to sell prints or set up at conventions and sell my stuff. A big part of me still wants to do that, but it would have to be a side job since art doesn't pay bills 🥴

Hello! Do you prefer the mountains or the beach?
The beach 100%!! I live on a mountain (I don't have a pretty view or anything) but I'm around that kind of environment all the time so I'll take the beach over the mountains any day 😩

Hi Lila!! What motivates you to continue writing? And what inspired you to begin writing? 💜💜
As mentioned earlier, I loveeeee getting comments and sweet messages from people so that's definitely something that motivates me! When people take the time to leave sweet comments about the quality of my writing, it really pushes me to keep going and get even better. Really good imagine ideas also get me motivated. If I come up with a good idea it gives me that push I need to write.

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