Jin ♡ Soulmate Song

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Another imagine idea from the mind of my sister haha. Enjoy!

Jin's POV
I stare down at my computer screen, the same voice singing the same song. My song. Epiphany.

"I'm the one I should lOoOooOoOove!!" The voice belts out in sour notes.
"Hey." Yoongi's voice cuts through the girl's singing.
"You seem distracted. You good?"
"My soulmate keeps singing Epiphany." I answer blankly.
"Is she good?"
"Not at the moment." I cringe.
"Don't you think it's nice that she likes your music?"
"I do. I just don't want to hear it all the time."
"I thought you said she sings our songs sometimes."
"She does. She just sings Epiphany more, like, a lot more."
"She really likes you." Yoongi let out a light chortle. "Do you ever wonder if she's one of those... crazy fans?"
"Hm." I think for a moment before shaking my head. "No. I think she just really likes our music."
Yoongi nods quietly. "Anyway, we're about to have dinner. Come down when you're ready."
"Alright. I'll be down in a minute."
With a short nod, Yoongi exits the room.
I close out Maple Story which I hadn't even been playing thanks to the distraction in my head. Up until now, it's just been on the main menu. I let out a sigh as I push myself up from my computer chair, the singing in my head coming to a stop.

"Thank goodness." I mutter. "I hope we meet soon because I seriously don't know how much longer I can handle this."

Some days were better than others. I'd hear the song once, twice, maybe more, sometimes not at all. On the days I didn't hear her singing, I found myself wishing she were. She's not bad all the time. If she's really feeling the song, she's belting it out in loud, drawn out notes that probably don't even classify as notes, but when she's calm, maybe singing to herself as she does laundry or something, her voice is much more soothing and much less tone deaf. It's times like those where I enjoy listening to her. Sometimes I feel like it's not fair that she can't hear my voice, then again, if she could, she would probably freak out.

Your POV
"I sure hope my soulmate likes BTS." I comment aloud as I turn on my playlist, humming along as I work around the house.

This whole soulmate situation is a bit frustrating. Not only am I unable to hear my soulmates voice, but he can only hear mine if I'm singing. That slims down my chances of meeting him. At this point I'm beginning to think it's impossible. My friends have always told me that I'll run into him one day and that I need to "be patient." I'm so tired of hearing that. I'm tired of waiting.

As I'm sweeping the kitchen, Moon begins to play. A soft smile making its way onto my face. The lyrics start and I begin to sing along quietly, mindlessly working as the music fills my apartment. Though Epiphany is my favorite song, any song Jin sings is absolutely perfect. When the pre chorus builds up, I start really getting into the music, now using the broom as a microphone rather than a cleaning tool. I dance across the kitchen, acting as if I were performing for a huge crowd when I was only performing for the salt and pepper shakers sitting idly on the kitchen island. The song ended and a group song began playing. At this point, I had finished sweeping and moved on to another chore. Once I finished tidying up around the house, I decided to make myself something to eat, and that something would be a frozen meal. As I was putting my food into the microwave, Epiphany began to play, the soft opening of the song filling the room. I hurried up and put a timer on my meal before running over to turn the volume up. I belted the lyrics out, clutching my chest and spinning around the room, putting so much passion into it. By the time the song ended, I was out of breath and utterly exhausted. I turned my music off, stepping over to the microwave to retrieve my food.
As I was eating, my phone started to ring. After glancing at the screen, I see that my friend was calling.

"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey Y/n." She greets.
"What's up?"
"I was calling to see if you wanted to go out and do some karaoke with me and Soonyoung tomorrow night."
(It Hoshi 🥺)
"Karaoke? I'm not really good at singing."
"Neither am I, but I'm going. Plus it'll just be us three in the booth."
"Okay. That actually sounds like fun. I think I'll tag along."
"Perfect! I'll pick you up tomorrow around 6:00."

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