Jungkook ♡ Visitor | Vampire AU | Part 2

843 47 17

Word count: 2,325

Your gloved hands grabbed onto the pesky weeds that had invaded Jungkook's once pristine garden, wrenching them from the dirt and tossing them into a nearby wheelbarrow. You brought some gardening tools along with you, but Jungkook was nice enough to provide  some for you, though a few of them had been rusted and worn from not being used over the last few centuries, the wheelbarrow being one of them. Though withered by time, it did the job and that's all that mattered.

"I would offer you a refreshment but I do not have food." Jungkook mentioned.
"That's alright." You smiled. "I brought something to drink and some snacks."
He nodded, feeling a bit more at ease knowing you had something to keep you sustained.
You moved over to the next section of the garden and began removing the weeds from there. 
"I was unsure you would return." Jungkook voiced aloud as his hands twisted the handle of his black umbrella.
"I told you I would."
"You are a woman of your word." He smiled softly. "Do you need some assistance?"
"I've got it." You assured him.
"I feel a bit useless standing here. If it is not too much to ask, perhaps you could start teaching me how humans talk these days."
You chuckled softly. "Okay. I'm not sure where to start."
"You seem to shorten your words. Perhaps we can start there?"
"Alright. Shortening your words is just easier and it's not very formal. You speak very formally but no one talks like that these days."
You perked up hearing him say that, a small smirk playing at the corner of your lips.
"See? I can learn." He grinned, flashing his adorable front teeth and fangs.
"Let's see it, then. Say something with shortened words."
"I'm very pleased that you are teaching me how to fit in."
"Not bad." You nodded, tossing a large clump of weeds into the wheelbarrow. "You can shorten you are to you're. Try again."
"I'm very pleased that you're teaching me how to fit in."
You chuckled softly. He still sounded a bit proper, but it was good progress.
"Have you ever heard the word lame?" You asked him.
"I have. It means to be unable to walk without difficulty. For most cases it is used to describe the state of an animal."
"Not exactly. I mean, yes that's what it can mean but when it's used these days it means something was disappointing."
"Could I have an example?"
"Let's say someone went to see a movie and after they watched it they say the film was lame."
"Ah." The vampire nodded. "I see. This garden work must be lame." His eyes glimmered expectantly as he waited for you to react.
You cracked a smile, letting out a string of chuckles that made Jungkook's heart soar.
"To some it might be, but not to me." You laughed.
"Teach me more."
You went through a few more words that came to mind, Jungkook listening intently and taking in everything you said. He would try to use the words in a sentence and you'd be lying if you said you weren't impressed with how easy he was taking in the information.

Grunting, you tried to yank a particularly stubborn weed that seemed to be rooted deeply in the earth. Both your hands were wrapped tightly around the cluster of leaves and spouts, pulling on them as hard as you could.
"Allow me." Jungkook stepped in.
Before you could turn down his offer, he grabbed hold of the weeds with one hand and jerked them from the ground with ease, the long, scraggly roots ripping from the ground as small chunks of dirt went flying through the air.
"This is why I offered my assistance."
After that, you let him help you out, but only if you really needed it.
You clipped the tops of one of the many bushes in the garden, snipping away at the untidy branches that stuck out, giving shape to the shrub.
"They look better already." Jungkook marveled.
"I'm no expert but I know how to trim in a somewhat straight line." You chuckled. "Are you okay with this square shape?"
"Yes." He nodded. "It's very uniform."
"Hey, look at you." You grinned. "You're already implementing what you learned."
"Are you proud of me?"
"Of course I am."


You had made significant progress on the garden and with the help of Jungkook, you were able to get things done much quicker. Over the span of four days you were able to clear out all the weeds and get the bushes pruned.

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