Bad words

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"Shit" Taeyong stopped what he was doing and looked up. All seven kids were at the table doing something, the older ones working on their homework and Jaemin was coloring with the maknaes.

"Who said that?" He wondered.

"Ooh, Sungie said a bad word" Jaemin giggled. Taeyong went over to the youngest, crouching down beside his chair so they were at eye level with each other.

"Jisung, honey, where did you hear that word?" Taeyong wondered, trying to not freak out over who was teaching his babies to curse.

"Hyung" Jisung answered.

"Which hyung?" Taeyong hoped it wasn't any of the ones in the room or they were going to have a problem.

"Yuyu-hyung" Jisung continued coloring, not even aware of the panic he had caused with Taeyong. Of course it was Yuta. Taeyong was going to need to have a conversation with his friend about cursing in front of the kids.

"Honey, that's a bad work okay. You don't say bad words in this house" Taeyong explained. Jisung nodded as if he understood.

"If I hear you say that word again, you'll be in trouble okay? That goes for all of you" Taeyong warned. Chorus of 'yes hyung's filled the room and he went back to cooking lunch. It was quiet for a long time but then little hands peeked over the counter and Jaemin pulled himself up to see what Taeyong was cooking.

"Nuggets?" He guessed even though what was on the stove looked nothing like chicken nuggets.

"No, we're having something else this time. Tteobokki" Taeyong responded, continuing to cook.

"I don't want tteobobkki! It's shit" Jaemin whined. Taeyong paused again, his brain taking a moment to process what he had just heard. Mark dropped his pencil, looking up at his younger brother with shock written on his face. The others had stopped what they were doing as well though Chenle and Jisung were still coloring peacefully.

Taeyong sighed; he had warned them and still Jaemin said that not even ten minutes later.

"Jaemin, what did I just say about using that word?" Taeyong turned everything off, going over to the six year old.

"Not to" Jaemin swayed back and forth, embarrassed.

"So why did you?" Taeyong wondered, putting one hand on the kids arm to keep him still.

"Tteobobkki tastes gross" Jaemin answered simply. Taeyong wanted to just laugh at the adorableness of that.

"Doesn't matter. Hyung told you not to say that word and you still did. I told you that if any of you said it, you'd be in trouble, didn't I?" Taeyong lectured. The other kids were calmly watching. Mark had gone back to his school though he was watching.

"I'm sorry" Jaemin didn't want to be in trouble; he hated being in trouble.

"Yes I'm sure you are. But your still in trouble" Taeyong picked the boy up, bringing him over to one of the corners and setting him down.

"Six minutes, okay?" Taeyong set a timer and left Jaemin's line of vision. He gave the other boys a warning look when he caught them staring, resulting in Mark, Renjun, Jeno and Haechan quickly returning to their work at a speed so large, Taeyong was almost impressed.

Soon the sound of Jaemin's sobs filled the silence and it took everything in Taeyong not to pick him up and forgot about the rest of the kid's timeout. Luckily, there was no more bad words the rest of the night. Even if Jaemin did refuse to eat, resulting in being sent to bed early. Taeyong also made a mental note to talk to Yuta, and the rest of 127 and WayV about what they said in front of the kids.


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