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"Eomma's here!" Jaemin yelled, running down the stairs. Lola caught him when he threw himself at her.

"Hello, Jae" She kissed his curls and set him down.

"She's not our mom!" Jisung cried, still completely against the idea. Lola ruffled his hair, biting her lip to keep from laughing or smiling when he pushed her hand away and glared. It wasn't a very scary glare considering he was only five years old and had the chubbiest cheeks she had ever seen.

"Yes she is!" Jaemin insisted, tears springing up in his own eyes. He didn't remember much of his own mom but he knew that she had been just like Lola.

"Oh honey, I'm not your mom" Lola reminded him. Jaemin looked at her with wide eyes and ran off, slamming the door to his room. Lola just sighed and went to find Taeyong. She loved that Jaemin saw her as a mom but it was going a little too far now.

"I heard a door slam. Who was it?" Taeyong came out of his room. 

"Jaemin. I'm really worried that he's getting too attached. The first few times he called me mom, I was honored but now I'm just worried" Lola admitted. Taeyong didn't respond which was not normal.

"What is it?" She looked at him worried.

"Well, I don't want to jump to conclusions said you have a sister right?" Taeyong had to make sure before anything else.

"Yeah, I do. And a brother" Lola nodded. 

"And she's how old now?" Taeyong wondered, still unsure if he was on the right track.

"She's twenty-three. Why?" Lola was starting to figure out what Taeyong was thinking but sh hoped she was wrong.

"It's and Jaemin do look a lot alike and his mom was around sixteen when she had him. I'm not trying to cause trouble but do you think it's possible that maybe...Jaemin is your nephew?" Taeyong wondered. Lola stared at him for a moment before her eyes widened as if she remembered something. 

"That would explain a lot. My sister and I look a lot alike so if he remembers seeing her even the slightest bit, he might be thinking of me instead" Lola sat down, putting her head in her hands. Taeyong cautiously sat beside her. 

"I don't want to jump to conclusions until we're sure. We can do a DNA test if you want" Taeyong suggested. 

"Yeah, that would be a good idea but I'm almost positive that your right. My sister did have a baby when she was sixteen that she gave up for adoption. We all thought it was the right decision at the time because she was not ready to be a mother in any way" Lola agreed. Taeyong nodded and went to go check on Jaemin. 

They did do a DNA test and anxiously awaited the results but it was nothing like what they had expected. 

"Is that...?" Jaemin pointed to the envelope in Taeyong's hand. Taeyong nodded, trying not to freak out. This was it; the answer to Jaemin's entire past was in one little envelope. The boys crowded around; just as anxious to see what the results were. Even Lola was on the edge of her seat. Taeyong opened it, reading over what it said. 

"Oh..." Taeyong showed no emotion as he continued reading, ignoring Jaemin who was practically vibrating in his seat. 

"What is it? What does it say!?" Jaemin begged to know.

"Your mom is not Lola's sister. But I think I may have figured out who your dad is" Taeyong explained.

"And?" Jaemin waited, still shaking but a little calmer now. 

"He's Lola's brother" Taeyong looked up from the letter, his eyes wide. Jaemin's mouth fell open and he pretended to pass out. 

"Can I meet him!?" Jaemin jumped back up, remaining excited. He had a dad!? He'd always had a dad, but now he had two!? And he could meet his biological one.

"I can text him and see if he'd be willing to meet up. I didn't even know he had a kid" Lola shook her head, disbelieving. Jaemin eagerly asked her to do that and they waited for a response. 

"He says he doesn't want to see you" Lola looked up, feeling bad for Jaemin. The boy's face fell and he ran off to his room. He didn't come out for the rest of the day. Taeyong begged Lola to keep trying over the course of several months but the answer never changed and Taeyong didn't believe it ever would. He was almost tempted to just give up the whole thing, it was doing no good for Jaemin, but the kid deserved to know who his dad was and to meet him so Lola and Taeyong kept trying. They didn't get anywhere for several months, almost a year. 

Well, I did not expect this to be how the chapter went. It was just supposed to be more about Jaemin thinking Lola's his mom, and maybe the other boys coming around to the idea as well. Hope you enjoy and let me know if you would want to see more of Jaemin getting to know his dad. I might write about the other boys getting to know more about their parents as well. 


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