Too late

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"What are you doing with my things?" Chenle slowly walked into his and Jisung's room, dropping his bag. Taeyong obviously had not expected the boys to be home yet and he stood up quickly.

"Chenle!'s kind of a long story. Close the door please" Taeyong sat down on Chenle's bed.

"What's going on?" Chenle closed the door and looked at Taeyong, alarmed. Taeyong motioned him over and took Chenle into his arms.

"I got a call from the CEO. Chenle, your mom's back" Taeyong stated. Chenle knew already where this was going and he stood up.

"No..." Chenle shook his head, tears coming up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" Taeyong felt like crying too but he kept from doing so. Chenle needed him to be strong right now. Chenle couldn't be in there any longer and he ran out. Taeyong sat there for a minute but went back to packing a few things for the kid.

"Woah! Chenle, what's going on?" Mark caught his brother. The others walked over and watched in worry.

"I have to leave!" Chenle cried. The other six froze up, not knowing what to do. Chenle didn't wait for them to say anything else. He went and hid under his bed and stayed there for the rest of the night.

"Chenle, get your shoes on please" Taeyong bit back tears, setting Chenle's suitcase by the door.

"I don't want to" Chenle refused to move.

"I know. But you need to" Taeyong responded. Chenle crossed his arms and slipped his shoes on, turning back to his brothers. His anger melted in an instant when he looked at them.

"We'll see you soon" Mark promised. Chenle didn't believe that but he still appreciated the assurance.

"Practice your Chinese okay? When you come back, I want to be able to have a full conversation with you" Renjun added. Chenle nodded. He would practice everyday so he could do that. Even if he knew that there was a chance he wouldn't be coming back. Jeno, Jaemin and Haechan had nothing to say to him so they just hugged their baby brother. Chenle turned to Jisung.

"Don't go Lele" Jisung whispered. Chenle patted his head. He grabbed the handle of the suitcase and was halfway out the door when Jisung ran to him.

"Don't go! I'll call you hyung! Please, please...." Jisung sobbed. Chenle looked at Taeyong for help. Jeno stepped in and pried Jisung off.

"Let's go Chenle" Taeyong took the nine year old's hand and led him out. Jisung broke down crying and didn't stop for two hours. Jaemin and Haechan clung to each other, Haechan holding onto Jeno's hand. Mark kept Renjun close to him, knowing that the younger teen wouldn't ask for comfort so it had to be given to him without asking.

When Taeyong came back, Mark and Renjun led him into his room. They needed to talk.

"Why would you let him go with her? He doesn't know her!" Mark wondered.

"She's his mom" Taeyong responded. He hadn't wanted to let Chenle go but there was no choice in the matter.

"She left him abandoned at a hospital when he was born!" Renjun argued.

"Apparently she has rights" Taeyong stated. Renjun scoffed, he couldn't believe that.

"What kind of rights could she possibly have?" Mark wondered. Taeyong didn't have an answer to that so he stayed silent.

Meanwhile, Chenle was doing his very best to make his birth mom's life miserable.

"What's the name?" The nice young girl at the desk asked. Chenle's mom was working on getting all his immunization records and anything else needed all cleared up.

"Zhong Chenle" She answered. Chenle wrinkled his nose.

"It's Lee" He corrected. The girl stopped typing and looked at him.

"Zhong Lee?" Chenle's mom looked confused too.

"No, Lee Chenle. My name is Lee Chenle" He shook his head. The woman gave the girl behind the counter a small,awkward smile.

"Do you know this woman,kid?" The kind girl asked.

"Nope!" Chenle answered confidently. He knew exactly what he was doing and he was determined to make his bio mom's life difficult until she got tired of him and returned him to Taeyong.

"I gave birth to you!" She stated. Chenle was not in the mood for this.

"And then you left me at the hospital. You don't get to just show up out of the blue because your ready to be a mom. Not after nine years. You don't get to do that. I found my family and I would like to go back to them. If you don't mind" Chenle smiled as politely as he could, aware that it probably just looked threatening. His mom huffed and dragged him back out the door. It had been two weeks. He had done everything he could to annoy her and it finally worked.

He was going home.


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