Dreamies and Wayv

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The one problem with sleepovers was this:Taeyong had seven boys that were practically jumping off the walls. It was like they were on a sugar high but Taeyong had not given them any sugar since he knew that night was going to be full of candies and sweets and soda. Sugar,sugar,sugar.

"Hello!" Taeil and Johnny walked in, with six boys trailing after them.

"Kun-gege!" Renjun immediately stopped pillow fighting, which was really just him smothering Jisung with a pillow while Chenle and Jaemin attacked him from behind, with the three babies and threw himself at the older Chinese kid.

"Hey, Junnie!" Kun caught the younger kid and swung him around. Kun had become sort of a brother to Renjun. They took comfort in each other since they were both Chinese. All of WayV has taken Renjun under their wing since he was the only foreign member, besides Mark who was atleast Korean even if he was from Canada, in Dream.

"Alright, you boys behave. Are you sure you don't want one of us to stay?" Taeil looked worried as he turned to the leader. Taeyong smiled brightly at him but Taeil saw right through it.

"It'll be fine! If things start getting out of hand, I can always call Yuta or Doyoung" Taeyong pointed out. Taeil nodded, though he still wasn't entirely convinced, and left with Johnny after telling the WayV boys once more to behave. Taeyong enjoyed the peace as the boys played video games in their rooms.

It didn't last long.

"Hyung! I'm hungry" Jisung whined, coming into the living room where Taeyong was enjoying the quiet. The other twelve boys were not far behind. 

"Come on then, why don't we go eat out?" Taeyong went to the door, waiting for the kids to get their shoes on before talking again.

"Kun, take Renjun's hand. Ten, your with Mark. Jaemin take Winwin's hand, Jisung, I want you with me. Chenle, stay with Yangyang. Haechan, your with Hendery, and Xiaojun, you keep track of Jeno. I want you older ones in front of me where I can see you. Don't get too far ahead or we'll come straight back" Taeyong instructed. The kids quickly found their partner and walked in a straight line in front of Taeyong. He loved these kids too much. 

It didn't take long to get to the restaurant and there was no problems for most of that time either. Taeyong only had to tell Haechan to get back with Hendery one time and for Jaemin and Winwin to slow down while walking. 

"Alright, order what you want but make sure you'll be able to finish all of it" Taeyong managed to find a table that would seat all of them though he did have to pull a few chairs over. Not many places were used to seeing thirteen kids and only one guy together. It probably looked like they were all his children and he was well aware of the stares that he was getting because of that. 

"I want this!" Jaemin pointed to something on the menu that Taeyong had never even heard of.

"That's too much for you to eat alone. Get something smaller that you know your going to like" Taeyong shook his head. Jaemin pouted but didn't argue and looked for something else. He decided pretty quickly and showed it to Taeyong, who agreed. He felt bad for not letting Jaemin get what he really wanted but he had come to find out that Jaemin was pretty picky about what he ate and letting the kid try new food was not a good idea because there was a chance that Jaemin would not like it and it would just sit, unless one of the other boys ate the leftover food. 

"Boys, I have to go to the bathroom. All of you stay here and do not go anywhere. If I find out you did, we're going to have a conversation later" Taeyong warned, getting up. Kun promised that he would keep all the boys together and Taeyong trusted them to listen to the oldest. He just hoped that Kun would be able to keep all twelve boys together though he knew Mark and Ten would help. 

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