Day at the beach

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Looking back on it, maybe this wasn't the best idea but at least the boys were having fun, despite the many times Taeyong had to yell at them to stay where he could see them and tell Haechan, Mark and the babies a million times to not go further than their knees in the water. He wondered if maybe he should've kept the youngest three with him because at the rate they were going, it would be a miracle if one of them didn't get swept up in the current of the waves and taken out to sea, never to be seen again.

"Mark! Watch the others please" Taeyong called for the millionth time and the nine year old turned back, taking a nervous Jaemin's hand, letting Jisung climb onto his back. Renjun came back, picking up Chenle so the four year old could come further out than just to where the water reached his ankles. Taeyong swore he was going to have a heart attack before the day ended and they could all leave. This was only worsened when Haechan and Jeno went running full speed into the water, not even caring how far in they went. Taeyong was about to get up and interfere when Mark scolded the two of them for not watching what they were doing. 

"We don't have to listen to you!" Haechan stuck his tongue out at Mark.

"Do you want to go home? Because if we don't behave, hyung will take us home early" Mark threatened. He didn't actually know if Taeyong would do that but he was willing to bet that was the case. Even Mark could tell that their hyung was already getting stressed out and Taeyong was not doing a very good job of hiding it. 

"He would?" Jeno looked back, worried and began biting his nails. Renjun reached over, careful not to drop Chenle who had climbed onto his shoulders and stopped Jeno. 

"Come on, be careful" Renjun guided Jeno further into the water, being careful not to let him go too far. Mark gave Haechan a stern look, warning him to be careful. Jaemin let go of Mark and clung instead to the six-year-old.

"If you let go of him for even one second, I will push you out to sea myself" Mark warned. Haechan nodded, scared and clung tightly to Jaemin's hand to ensure the younger didn't go anywhere. 

"We should play a game" Haechan suggested a moment later, completely forgetting about Mark's threat. 

"What kind of game?" Renjun walked over, still holding Chenle. He was glad the four-year-old had at least climbed off his shoulders, giving the eight year old a brief reprieve. Mark had made a big deal about his younger brother being the same age as him but it was only for a little while. Renjun loved teasing him for it, saying they were twins but Mark would always hit him over the head for it and then they would both get in trouble for fighting. Almost the same applied to Chenle and Jisung, the only other two who would be the same age for a short amount of time, but the only difference between the oldest two and youngest two is that Chenle and Jisung just thought it was cool and enjoyed telling people they were twins until Taeyong would correct them. 

"Volleyball!" Haechan blurted out, excited. 

"No! Come on, Dongie. Do you really think those three can play volleyball? Jisung would just stare at the ball even if it's coming straight for him and I don't feel like getting in trouble for letting the babies get bloody noses?" Mark shook his head. Haechan scowled at the nickname, not liking being reminded that he had another name. They all decided to get out of the water and build sandcastles with the babies instead of playing a game. After eating, the oldest four went back into the water, leaving Taeyong with the babies. 

"Mark Lee!" Taeyong yelled when he saw the oldest shove his brother under the water. Renjun came up, spitting water out and tackled Mark, the two of them wrestling under the water. Taeyong quickly looked around, asking a mother nearby to watch the younger three while he dragged his oldest kids out of the water, Jeno and Haechan followed closely. 

"He said I must feel like a kid being the same age as someone a whole year younger!" Mark defended himself. Renjun stuck his tongue out at the older boy, just as annoyed at being dragged out of the water like a child. 

"Both of you sit! And do not move" Taeyong pointed to the large blanket he had brought so the boys could sit without getting sand all over them.

"Your putting us in timeout! Here?" Mark screeched, embarrassed at the very idea.

"Well I wasn't going to call it that but yes, I suppose I am" Taeyong nodded. Mark huffed and crossed his arms, pouting as he sat down. Renjun entertained himself by drawing little doodles in the sand. After a while Chenle joined in but then he got bored and decided that eating the sand was a better idea.

"Chenle, do not do that! Bad!" Taeyong reached over, taking the three year old's hand out of his mouth and dusting the sand off it. Renjun pretended nothing was happening and continued drawing. Taeyong picked Chenle up, setting the kid down closer to him so Taeyong could keep a closer eye on the second youngest. He got out the food he had packed and handed it around to the boys. 

"Can we go back in the water?" Haechan asked after he had finished eating. Taeyong pulled out a napkin, wiping the kid's face. 

"You can. Your brothers are still in trouble. Take Jaemin with you if he wants to go" Taeyong was not about to let the younger two out without him going too and he didn't feel like going in the water. 

"Hyung! We won't fight, promise" Mark argued. 

"I'm sure you won't but I'm not taking any chances. Your going to stay here and help me clean up and get these two changed into regular clothes. You might as well change too" Taeyong knew he was being harsh but he did not feel like breaking up another fight and maybe with this, the two would think better of fighting next time. Both of them glared at him, biting back disappointed tears as they cleaned up the lunch plates and food. Renjun helped get Jisung and Chenle, and Jaemin who had not wanted to go down to the water with Haechan and Jeno, get changed into normal clothes while Mark stayed on the beach to watch his middle brothers. Less than an hour later, the whole group was headed home. Most of them fell asleep on the way, even Jeno was too tired to stay awake despite claiming that he wasn't tired. 

"ICE CREAM!" Chenle screamed when he woke up one time and Taeyong swore he lost hearing in one ear just from that dolphin screech.

"We can get ice cream" Taeyong gave in, mostly because the last thing he wanted was to deal with a tantrum and hopefully, Chenle would go back to sleep and not wake up again for the rest of the day or at least a few hours, if he had his ice cream. The seven boys enjoyed their small ice cream bowls but none of them slept again, much to Taeyong's dismay. He had been looking forward to a quiet evening. That might have been one of the reasons he decided to go to the beach; because it would tire the kids out and he could have one night to himself. 

Of course, if he wanted that, he shouldn't have given seven boys aged three to eight ice cream and sugar. He wouldn't be making that mistake ever again. Although, having a sugar rush did lead to the boys crashing before it was even their bedtime so he would take it. 

Mark-8. August 2
Renjun-8. March 23
Jeno-7. April 23
Haechan-6. June 6
Jaemin-4. August 13
Chenle-3. November 22
Jisung-3. February 5

Birth month order

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