Target practice

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"I don't think we should be doing this" Jaemin stated, looking up at the ceiling. Mark walked in just in time to hear him say that and he was very confused. Haechan and Jaemin were just laying on the floor, looking up but there was really nothing of interest up there until Mark looked up and found all the table knives stuck to the ceiling.

"What..are you doing?" Mark wondered, very confused and concerned as well. 

"We were seeing who could get closest to the little dot on the ceiling. Neither of us won" Jaemin answered, sounding very drained and sad. Haechan looked tired too and had his eyes closed. Mark nodded slowly, backing out and going back to his room.

"We got two more each. Let's see if we can do this" Haechan picked up another knife, aiming and throwing it hard enough to stick. Jaemin threw his two and Haechan threw his last one but they still missed. Right as Haechan threw his last knife, Taeyong walked in.

"What are you doing?!" Taeyong walked over, picking the two boys up off the floor. 

"Nothing" They knew that playing with knives, which included throwing them at the ceiling, was not tolerated and they would get in trouble for it. 

"Don't lie to me. What are you doing and why are there knives in my ceiling?" Taeyong pointed up. Jaemin and Haechan slowly looked up, counting the around twenty knives that there were up there. Neither of them knew why there was even twenty table knives in the house when there was only eight inhabitants but they didn't question it. 

"We were playing a game" Jaemin smiled and blinked innocently, hoping that it would work. It didn't.

"What kind of game?" Taeyong demanded to know. 

"One that you wouldn't like" Jaemin answered as vaguely as possible. Taeyong picked up on what he was doing and took a deep breath.

"Both of you upstairs. Find a corner and wait for me" Taeyong pointed to the stairs, watching the two boys go rather slowly. He pulled out a stepstool and began pulling the knives out of the ceiling and put them away before taking another moment to collect himself and going up stairs. 

"You know that knives are dangerous" Taeyong stated. He didn't have to ask if they knew that; they knew or they wouldn't have tried to hide it. 

"Are you going to...?" Haechan didn't want to get spanked or anything but he was more worried about Jaemin, as his older brother. 

"Do you think I should?" Taeyong returned the question with another question. Haechan shrugged, not really sure. 

"I won't this time but you will be spending the rest of the day in here thinking about your actions. That should be punishment enough. If you do this again though, I will spank you. Is that clear?" Taeyong waved his finger at the two boys. 

"Completely clear. We're sorry" Haechan agreed even though he didn't want to. He and Jaemin both did not like being in their room. They would rather be with their brothers. Mark was the same. Renjun didn't mind it, he liked the quiet and Chenle and Jisung could sleep or just be entertained by staring at a wall. Jeno was in between, it depended on his mood of the day.

"I know you are. I'll come get you for dinner. You are allowed to read a book but I want you to be thinking about why I don't want you playing with knives" Taeyong tunred and left, closing the door. Jaemin and Haechan stared at each other for a while, then they started reading. They found an old coloring book, they talked to each other, they sat in silence just waiting for the hours to go by. At some point, Mark came and sat with them but he was quickly pulled out by Taeyong and all three boys were scolded. No one came to see the two inmates after that. 

"This sucks" Jaemin said after what felt like an eternity but had only been two hours. 

"Tell me about it. We could always try and sneak out" Haechan knew that was a bad idea even before he said it but Jaemin agreed so they opened the door and waited to see if Taeyong would come catch them. When they heard nothing, they slowly edged out of the room and down the hallway. They made it all the way to the front door without getting caught.

"Lee Donghyuck, Na Jaemin, you better turn right back around and go upstairs before I decide to have you stay in your room all day tomorrow too" Taeyong didn't have to turn around to know that they were there. Even with his back turned, he could practically see them.

"Oh come on! How did you even know?" Haechan complained. 

"I know everything. Back upstairs" Taeyong raised one hand to point in the general direction of the stairs. Haechan huffed and stomped up the stairs, Jaemin following more quietly. They did try to go out the window one time but Mark was waiting for them, took them back inside and they were sent back to their room. Taeyong was a little amused at the creativity his boys were using to find a way out of their room but it was never going to work. He knew every trick in the book from his own childhood and the things he did. 


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