Biking lessons

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"Okay, Chenle do not let go of the handles no matter what you do" Taeyong instructed, walking behind Chenle as the six year old biked down the sidewalk.

"Why not?" Chenle looked behind him and took his hands off the bike, immediately tipping to the side.

"Because of that" Taeyong sighed, helping the kid back up and starting again. Chenle didn't fall this time and he started to laugh the more he got the hang of it.

"There you go! Your doing amazing!" Taeyong watched him go in circles, a bright smile on his face the more confident Chenle got. After a while, the kid stopped next to Taeyong.

"When I'm older, can you teach me how to ride a real bike?" Chenle wondered, his face was pink with excitement.

"I don't think so" Taeyong shook his head. There was no way he was letting any of his kids ride a motorcycle until they were twenty and could make that decision for themselves. 

"Now why don't you try again? Hyung will be right here to catch you" Taeyong promised but as soon as Chenle got the hang of it, Taeyong stepped back and watched him. Jisung came over with his bike and gave Taeyong the puppy eyes so Taeyong gave in and taught Jisung how to ride a bike as well. 

Ten years later
"What is that!?" Taeyong stared at the bike in front of him. Chenle had come back a few minutes before and told Taeyong he had a surprise.

"It's a bike. Remember, you said that when I was older, I could get one. Well, I did" Chenle announced proudly.

"I did not say that and even if I did, I didn't mean that you could get one at sixteen. Your too young, Chenle. I'm sorry but it has to go back" Taeyong shook his head.

"That's not fair!" Chenle argued.

"Your not keeping it. End of story. Now either you take it back where you got it or I will" Taeyong repeated. Chenle huffed and got onto the bike, taking off.

"Lee-Zhong Chenle! Come back here right now or your grounded for the rest of your life!" Taeyong warned. Chenle didn't turn around and disappeared into the distance. Taeyong knew he should go inside to wait but he couldn't do that and he was still outside when Chenle came back, parking the motorcycle. It was dark out now and Taeyong was furious. As soon as Chenle was off the bike, Taeyong grabbed him by the ear and started smacking him.

"If you wanted to convince me to let you keep the stupid bike, that was not the way to do it! In fact, you have just let me know that I was right and you are not ready for this responsibility! You are never riding that bike again until you are at least thirty!" Taeyong dragged Chenle into the house and pushed him gently into the couch.

"I just wanted you to think I was grown up" Chenle argued.

"Well your not grown up. Your a kid and you just proved that. I am so angry at you right now Chenle! You could have been hurt or killed! Do you know how many people die from motorcycle accidents?! A lot!" Taeyong lectured. Chenle hadn't known that. He just thought it was cool.

"Get up" Taeyong didn't like doing this once the boys turned thirteen but there were a few times that it was necessary and he had no choice. 

"You can't be serious" Chenle shook his head.

"You got a motorcycle without asking me and then threw a fit and ran away, staying away for hours! Of course I am serious. Now get up and put your hands on the back of your head" Taeyong undid his belt, doubling it in half. Chenle watched in horror before finally doing what he was told and trying not to watch. 


"Are you thinking about your actions now, young man?" Taeyong scolded. 

"Yes, yes! I'm sorry" Chenle had not known that the belt could hurt so much. He was never going to do anything to receive the belt again.

"I'm sure you are" Taeyong didn't say anything more than that. 


"Your grounded for a month and I'm taking your keys to the car and motorcycle. I guess, I won't make you return it because it is a nice bike. But, you are going to keep it in good condition and you are not driving it until I can trust that you'll be responsible and I say so. Is that clear?" Taeyong had plenty of time to think about it while Chenle was gone and maybe he had been too harsh. Chenle threw his arms around Taeyong, overjoyed. 

"Thank you!" Chenle squealed in excitement.

"Don't thank me yet. I'm still very upset with you. And before you can ride that, you will take lessons and you will do research on the risks of motor cycle accidents. I want you to know everything there is to know about this before you get back on the road with a car or motorcycle" Taeyong added.

"I will. Thank you for letting me keep it" Chenle beamed with happiness and Taeyong hoped he was making the right choice and that he wasn't signing his kid up to die in a motorcycle accident. 


Second part

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