Pushing limits

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"Where is Jeno?" Taeyong walked into the living room surprised to find only six of the boys there. They all looked at each other and kept quiet.

"Hello? I'm not speaking English! Where is Jeno?" Taeyong repeated.

"He got angry" Jaemin answered, worried for his brother. Him and Jeno were extremely close and Jaemin didn't like seeing any of his brothers upset. Even more so for Jeno because the third oldest never got mad. 

"And?" Taeyong waited.

"He took the car for a drive, said he'd be back at some point and just left" Chenle blurted out, equally as worried. Taeyong swore he saw red. He didn't mind the boys taking the car for a drive but they had to ask him first. Even when they had their licenses, he didn't let them go just anywhere. 

"Why didn't one of you come get me?" Taeyong wondered. 

"We didn't want to get him in trouble" Renjun admitted, worried for his little brother. Jeno had just gotten his license and wasn't very experienced. Renjun hoped nothing would happen, more so because as soon as Jeno got home, he was in for a long talk with Taeyong.

"I know you boys want to protect each other but when something like this happens, you need to get me" Taeyong lectured. 

"We will next time. Are we in trouble?" Jisung promised. Taeyong thought about that but decided against it. 

"No, you didn't do anything wrong" Taeyong shook his head. Jisung looked relieved and turned to watching a video on Chenle's phone. Taeyong sat down to wait for Jeno but it wasn't until much later, after even Renjun retired to his room, that the door opened and Jeno walked in, very disoriented. Taeyong didn't really want to know what had happened to make his normally calm son so....not him. 

"Where have you been?" Taeyong stood up, reminded once again how much he hated that Jeno was taller than him. 

"I went out. It's none of your business" Jeno snapped. Taeyong bit back a harsh retort. This was not like Jeno and he wanted to know why. He was going to find out why.

"It is my business when my sixteen year old takes my car and stays out past curfew without telling anyone where he's going. I will only ask one more time, where were you?" Taeyong lectured.

"I said it's none of your business! Just leave me alone!" Jeno pushed back against Taeyong when the man tried to check if he was drunk or anything. Taeyong stared at him in shock before regaining his senses.

"Your my son. That makes it my business and you know better than to push people" Taeyong responded. 

"I am not your son! Why do you even care about me?!" Jeno's eyes blazed with hatred. Taeyong backed off, surprised. He tried one more time but Jeno pushed him and Taeyong fell into the back of the couch. Jeno's eyes softened for a moment. 

"Go to bed, Jeno. We'll talk in the morning" Taeyong said softly, keeping his eyes trained on the floor. He was trying to think about how to help Jeno but he knew it was going to take a lot of time. Jeno backed away, surprised at his own actions. Slowly, he went down the hall and up the stairs. Taeyong got off the back of the couch and locked himself in his room. He needed to know where Jeno had gone but he didn't think he'd be able to find out anytime soon. 

Jeno fully expected Taeyong to ask what happened the next day but Taeyong never did. He didn't ask the day after that or for an entire week and Jeno got more and more depressed. The only thing he could think of was it might be possible that he pushed Taeyong to the limit? That he finally did what no one had been able to do and pushed Taeyong to the point that he just shut down. 

The others noticed so Mark, as the oldest adn the only other adult in the house, took control and went to NCT 127. 

"Mark-ssi, what are you doing here?" Doyoung was surprised to see the kid. Mark held his phone out to Doyoung, with Taeyong on the line. 

"Talk some sense into him" He demanded and didn't leave until Doyoung finished talking with Taeyong, which took several hours. When he drove back, Taeyong and Jeno were in Taeyong's room 'talking' and the younger boys were in the living room, trying to drown out the loud cries and talking from the other room. Mark quickly ushered them out of the house and took them to a little cafe, the same one they had been to several times before. 

This did not end the way I wanted it to and I know it is really bad. Hope you enjoy still and feel free to leave requests


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